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The Falcon And The Winter Soldier EP05 Truth FULL REACTION



Great episode! I liked Sam and Bucky throughout the Marvel movies, but this series really made me LOVE both of these characters. This episode was a big highlight in terms of building out their characters — now that they don’t have Steve. Also, when the “Winter Soldier” aspect is removed, you realize that Bucky is a man trying to reconcile his past, and Sam is a man trying to reconcile his future. ❤️ Also, you’ve gotta love Sam warning Bucky not to flirt with his sister.😜🤣

sierra's reaction corner

The reason this is my favorite episode is precisely what Rob was saying about enjoying the human side of the story. Sam and the Wilson Family and their boat, Sam struggling with the idea of taking up the mantle of Captain America while being a black man, and his friendship with Bucky, helping Bucky come to terms with needing to make amends. Sam turning to his community for help when the government and banks fail him. There's so much weight here and I love it. I especially love the respect Sam gives Isaiah. Sam is much more idealistic and hopeful and just like us as the viewers, wants to believe that the world is better or he can make a difference. But he's still understanding of Isaiah's bitterness and doesn't treat him like he's wrong for feeling how he feels. It never fails to upset me when I hear Isaiah's story because he did the exact same thing as Steve did in The First Avenger, but they were treated vastly different. Steve rescued Bucky and 107th and became a hero. Isaiah rescues his men and is treated with 30 years of jail and forced experimentation smh. Can't wait for the finale!

Anthony Ancona

It may not be easy to be a hero Rob, but as a Sith, it's more fluid. Not every Sith is a Vader or a Sidious. Some of us work happily in the shadows to make way for a Sidious or a Vader. I loved this episode, as it points out no matter your past, and the mistakes you have made, you can change to right your wrongs.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Truth- Thank you both so much for your continued reactions for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier! I have been loving your reactions to this show I love overall, and I truly appreciate you both for all your efforts and for watching this show for us to enjoy again through your eyes. As well as all these fabulous Marvel movies too!! So, thank you, Rob and Trin! :) I really love this show as a whole. I absolutely love Bucky's and Sam's characters. Especially Bucky Barnes. And I absolutely love their friendship/partnership. Especially the more they finally come together. They are hilarious when they were constantly bickering like an old married couple, but I love seeing them finally come together as close friends and partners by the end of this episode and in the final episode as well. Mostly... I absolutely love, love, love Bucky's overall story arc throughout this show!! Bucky is my absolute favorite character throughout the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, followed closely by both Steve Rogers and Clint Barton (Hawkeye). For one reason... Because I absolutely love Sebastian Stan as an actor. He is a phenomenal actor, whom I've grown to love very much over the years. Who has become one of my absolute favorite actors! But mostly... I truly love Bucky, because I absolutely love seeing Bucky's major struggles in dealing with all of his pain that has come from the deep hell that Hydra has put him through for so, so many years, and upon losing Steve while being left behind to deal with his pain all alone. Which is exactly how Bucky feels. Because until the ending scene between Bucky and Sam shared between them in this episode, Bucky has felt all alone in the world, because he didn't believe that Sam truly cared enough about him to be able to be there for him in a way that Steve always was. Bucky's story is so heartbreaking, and yet beautiful to me. Because this is exactly what someone who has been put in Bucky's shoes would struggle with. And I love how his character's story as a whole is written!! It's exactly the kind of story for Bucky that we should be seeing. With all of this being said... This episode is titled... Truth. Therefore... I feel now is the time for me to share with you the whole truth behind how I feel about certain aspects of this show that I am not at all a fan of. However, I am worried to share with you my true thoughts, because I don't wish for you, or for anyone enjoying this show and your reactions for it to believe that I am an awful person for feeling the way I do. To believe that I am someone I'm not. Because I am not at all what I know some people may come to believe about me should I express my true feelings. Because it's heartbreakingly the way the world is now. Sadly and tragically, everyone believes the worst about people, and we misjudge. Even though they would be very wrong about me, just as we've all been very wrong about so many people. First... I really love, and I very much appreciate that Steve gave his shield up to Sam when he chose to finally live the life that he too deserves to live upon retiring as Captain America. Sam is a good man, and he is absolutely worthy to become the new Captain America. As much as I would have loved to see Bucky wield the shield as the new Captain America, because he too is a very good man and Steve's closest friend, it's absolutely right that Steve handed it down to Sam instead. And Bucky absolutely understands this, and he agrees with Steve's decision to give Sam the shield. Bucky's anger towards Sam was never about Steve seeing Sam as a better man than Bucky. Because if it weren't for Bucky's past with Hydra as the Winter Soldier, then I have no doubt that Steve would have chosen Bucky first. Because they have been best friends since they were young, young kids. However, ever since Bucky has come back to being himself again upon regaining his memories, we can see that he tragically feels like a monster because of all the pain he's caused at the hands of Hydra. Because he is struggling very deeply with his pain and with trying to make amends. Even though Bucky truthfully hasn't done anything wrong of his own free will. With all of this being said... If Steve had chosen to give Bucky the shield, I strongly believe that Bucky never would have accepted it, and I believe that Steve absolutely understood this. While Steve never saw anything but the good man still inside of Bucky, he also understood that Bucky sees himself as unworthy, and knew that he couldn't force more of a burden on his closest friend. Which is why Steve chose Sam over Bucky. And I love that this show tells this story by showing us this about these three beloved characters. I can also absolutely understand why Sam turns Steve's shield over to the Smithsonian Museum. Because it is a noble way of honoring Steve and way of keeping his legacy where the whole world can come to see who he was, so they too can honor Captain America when they come to the museum. And I understand that Sam too feels unworthy of wielding the shield himself. I just wish that his reasons for feeling unworthy, comes from him struggling with stepping into Steve's shoes and his fear of trying to prove himself to the world knowing how much everyone loves Steve. Similar to how John Walker feels. My problem with this story arc of Sam being given the shield, only for him to give it up because he feels unworthy, instead comes from him feeling unworthy because of the color of his skin. Which in my opinion... This is a big fault of this show. And no... It's not just a story arc within The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, because it is a story arc that is in pretty much every other show or movie coming out in these last few years and today too. I really hate the major focus on racism that runs all throughout this show, and especially within this episode. Racism is very much alive today. It's such a major problem in the world today, and it's only grown worse because racism is constantly made apparent in every show, movie, in all kinds of music, and in as much as people can shove it into nowadays. Racism is constantly being shoved into our faces so that we are constantly reminded of the hate between the colors of our skin. And because of this, our hate is only growing deeper. And so is all the hate that leads to all these killings occurring in our world today. Racism is a problem that is only being fed and fueled by these constant reminders in everything we watch and listen to. And all of this... It breaks my heart. I am a White woman, who has been accused of being racist because I feel this way, and I am not afraid to share my feelings. But I love everyone and don't hate anyone solely based on the color of their skin. And yet people hate me because I am a White woman who feels strongly in what I am trying to express with you. Racism works both ways. Please understand... I am in no way racist. I hope you can both understand my feelings. I love Sam Wilson throughout the MCU, just as I love King T'Challa, and all the Wakandans like Ayo and the Dora Milaje, etc... I love Sam's character, and I am happy to see that he is wanting to take up the mantle as the true new Captain America. He is worthy of taking up the shield. I love that this is where his story arc is being taken within the MCU. I have had friends who are Black, and I love so many other celebrities and musicians who are Black as well. I just hate being constantly reminded of the hate between people because of the colors of our skin. And I hate being told that I am a racist, or being seen by others as a racist, when I am not one in any way. All of this... This is why I have to skip over a majority of the Isaiah Bradley story arc, and especially his scenes with Sam within this episode. Because I hate hearing Isaiah's entire speech about why any Black man should feel rotten for taking up Captain America's shield. It hurts me to see someone make Sam, or anyone else feel badly for wanting to become a hero like Steve... A hero within this Marvel Universe that I strongly love and admire, and for wanting to be as good as Steve was. I understand that Isaiah is in pain because of his own sufferings as well. And of course, I feel badly for him. No one should ever suffer through such pain. But just because he's gone through all that he has, it gives him no right to try to make Sam or anyone else feel bad too. It doesn't give him a right to treat anyone the way he does. Especially Bucky. Isaiah had no right to treat Bucky so harshly like he does in the second episode of this series. No right to call him nothing but a killer, who will never be able to be anything but a killer. All of this is where my overall disappointment with The Falcon and the Winter Soldier comes in. Otherwise... I do love this show as a whole. And it's why I especially love Bucky's overall story arc throughout this show. My only other problem I have with this series... Because racism is such a drawn out, important story aspect within this show, Sam's story arc does come to overshadow Bucky's story arc by the end of this show. And Sam comes to be its main character, while Bucky has sadly become a secondary character once again, within a show where he is meant to be an equal character to Sam. This show is after all called The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Once again, with all of this being said... I really do enjoy this episode. I love seeing Bucky and Sam working together to repair the boat for the Wilson family. I love seeing these two finally come together and understand one another, and I love seeing all of Sam's and Sarah's hometown come together to repair the boat so the Wilson family can continue to hold onto their own legacy. I love Bucky's confession to Sam about his struggles with his past and his nightmares, and seeing Sam finally come to an understanding with why Bucky has been struggling so much with his past and why it has been hurting him so much to see Sam throw away Steve's shield as if it didn't matter to him, like it matters so much to Bucky. I also very much love the big fight between Bucky, Sam, and John Walker in the beginning of this episode. It's an amazing fight! I love seeing Bucky so protective of Sam during the fight, and vice versa. And I especially love Bucky's face, when he looks down coldly at Sam afterwards once he tosses the shield down next to him on the ground, telling Sam without saying a word that he is not to give it away this time. And of course... I absolutely love, love, love the final moment between Bucky and Zemo in Sokovia, as Bucky proves to Zemo that he is not the killer that he himself, Zemo, and most of the world believes him to be, by choosing not to kill Zemo!! I love that Bucky calls on Ayo and the Dora Milaje to come and take Zemo away, as a way of apology to them for setting Zemo free. Even if he had done so only for a short time so they could get his help to take down the Flag Smashers. I love that Zemo does see how wrong about Bucky he has been, and that Zemo no longer sees him as a threat to the world that he needs to take out. And I love that Zemo holds no ill will against Bucky any longer, including for turning him over to the Dora Milaje so that he can continue to face justice for his crimes. This is one of my favorite scenes and moments throughout this episode, as well as throughout the entire show too. I love Bucky's and Zemo's dynamics all throughout this show! Which makes me love Zemo even more than from how much I already loved him from back in Captain America: Civil War. Daniel Bruhl as Zemo is absolutely fabulous!! I love Daniel Bruhl as an actor, and I very much love this character and villain within the Marvel Universe. Zemo is one of my absolute favorite characters throughout the entire Marvel Universe too! Thank you so much for your fabulous reaction to another excellent episode, my dear friends! And thank you for hearing me out as I try to share my thoughts with you. I truly hope you, nor anyone else will come to see me any differently, or hold any ill will against me for feeling such as I do. I truly hope you can understand. And now... I can't wait for your reactions to the final episode for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier!! This finale is absolutely amazing, and I love it!!! So, until then... Thank you, Rob and Trin! :) Sincerely, Heidi


Hi Heidi, I’ll start by saying that I do not think that anything you wrote in your comment is racist in any way. It is just your opinion, and I think I understand why you would feel that way. But for a lot of people the things that happened in this episode (as well as the rest of the show) are close to their reality. And, even if it’s uncomfortable, I think it’s important to shed light on it. It’s difficult to fix a problem that we don’t first acknowledge. Now, whether a Marvel show is the right platform for this acknowledgement is debatable. As a black woman, I appreciated Marvel showing some of the things that Sam might consider in deciding whether to take up the mantle of Captain America. Unfortunately, race is one of the things for him to consider as a black man. To me, it was realistic. But I can understand how it might be uncomfortable for others (for the record, it’s uncomfortable for me also but, to a certain extent, it’s my lived experience so I don’t have the option of just turning off the television). I do believe that things are getting better in terms of race relations, but only because of entities like Marvel that are willing to use their platform to draw attention to the problem. Also, from what I understand, a lot of what was in this show was comic accurate. Isaiah Bradley was actually Captain America for a while, and I think a lot of the background that he described in the show was also in the comics. It’s pretty heavy, but Bucky’s story was heavy also. Anyway, I respect your opinion. I just wanted to give mine. I also love the show and have always loved Sam and Bucky in the movies. I enjoyed both of their story arcs. I am so glad that I found Rob and Trin so that I can relive my favorite shows and movies through their eyes.

Count Monte-Cristo

Based on my observation, there are ideas in TV shows or movies, and stories are wrapped around them. And, there are stories and ideas/agendas placed alongside the main storyline. Personally, I do not like the first approach but I love the second. Marvel always follows the second approach. For instance, Sam inheriting the shield is the core story. Then the writers asked the right questions: How will it be for a black man to inherit the shield? Even though I am not American, when I think about it, I can understand that not all people will be happy with that. I understand. A show, especially a superhero show, should be fun and not overly philosophical. However, there are plenty of entertaining shows out there. These kinds of subjects lend Marvel shows more weight and realism, and this is precisely why I watch Marvel. To be honest, there could just be one or two Marvel shows like this. The others are more fun and superhero-focused.


Getting a 1st time reaction to these shows that I remember fondly but whose plots have been overshadowed by the bigger goings on of the MCU is a great way to remember what all's been going on. BRING ME LOKI!


Not a spoiler, you asked if the shows tie into the movies. Yes. I know they said, at first when they started making the MCU shows, that the shows aren't NECESSARY to watching the movies, but they will fill in the blanks as to details that the movies show, but I think if you don't watch the shows, especially as more go on, you will really be out of the loop as to understanding what's going on with the characters. Maybe the situations they deal with in the movies are not directly related to the shows (and maybe sometimes they are), but how the characters deal with it and why are definitely linked to the shows. Simply, they do not disregard nor ignore what happened on the shows when the characters appear in the movies again. Basically, when you watch a regular movie and there's exposition drops sometimes, these shows fully show you whatever might be dropped in exposition in an MCU movie.

the continent

This is my favorite episode of the series! Seeing Sam & Bucky have a real talk like that, Sam stepping into his realization, Bucky charming Sarah (lol). Also Sam lives in New Orleans and they made this a part of his character because Anthony Mackie lives there! It’s his home town. I like the differences shown in generations and viewpoints of being Black in America as well. Isaiah is hopeless that things can progress the way Sam believes it can, and Sam is hopeful that things can change—we see that important representation thru his nephews looking up to him. And of course we see how veterans are discarded, as Walker and Isaiah were, after doing the duties they were trained to do for their country.

Wendy Sparks

Julia Louis-Dreyfus is just fantastic as Val (but don't call her that), in her scene with Walker.


This comment is vastly under appreciated. 😆😎❤️