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The Falcon And The Winter Soldier EP04 The Whole World Is Watching FULL REACTION


sierra's reaction corner

John's descent really is chilling. You can tell how earnestly he WANTS to be a good person and do the right things. It's the same story for Karli. But power or the availability of that power can take you on a different journey. Which is why I respect Sam so much for being confident that he'd never take the serum. Bucky's relationship with Ayo and Wakanda definitely took a hit this episode which is sad to see, especially after seeing just how much his deprogramming affected him emotionally. And Sam really tried with Karli and it's sad, but I do think you're right about how Karli's treating this. Sam called her a kid and she pretty much is a scared, angry, superpowered kid with ideals and a plan that keeps spinning out of control so she keeps reacting and making things worse, instead of thinking clearly or maturely. It's not that big a deal, but Steve actually has used guns! In The First Avengers, he used it in his fights with Hydra because, well it was a war, and in The Avengers he used one in a scene on the helicarrier I think? But because Steve didn't carry a gun on his person as his immediate 1st line of offense like John Walker does, it's easy to forget. Guns definitely weren't Steve's "thing", but he'd never been like AGAINST using one. Next episode is my absolute favorite I CANNOT wait.


Erskin had a discussion before Steve took the soldier - the general was the one who said that “a good soldier has guts,” which is exactly what Erskin wanted to avoid. Walker thought that “guts is what Steve always had.” A fundamental misunderstanding of what Steve was. A person trained for violence versus someone who wanted to avoid it.


Lemar was like John's calming effect. He was level-headed and could talk reason to John, who would listen to him. He would keep John from spinning off. What now, that he's gone AND that John has taken the serum which they said here and Erskine said originally that the serum makes you more of what you are? "Good becomes great. Bad becomes worse." A little extra hurt at the end was the guy John killed was the one who was talking to Karli that was a Captain America fan when he was a kid.


Captain America reminds me of Robo Cop A prosthetic or two from Bucky is all he needs


ngl laughed when the flag smasher guy said he looked up too captain america then later on died literally looking up to him


There's a great parallel here... again with the difference between being an innately good person and a good soldier. In Civil War, towards the end, when Steve and Tony are having their terrible brawl over Bucky... Steve is over a prone Iron Man... and he raises the Shield over his head... to slam it down on the arc reactor on Tony's suit, disabling it. Even if Bucky was killed in front of him... I have zero doubt that Steve Rogers would never murder anyone like Walker did. (Not the killer, not fighting back, etc...) But just as Zemo said... there's never been another Steve Rogers. (Sam's pretty close though.)


John Walker sucks


the last shot with the blood all over the shield...! chills

Julia Ashley

I'm with you on how you feel about Walker. I think he wanted to do the right thing but he just couldn't handle it. I don't think he's a bad person either. It's actually sort of tragic. Like many characters have said there was only one Steve Rogers. I think Sam was given the shield by Steve because Steve really understood who Sam is. Hypothetically, if Sam had been given the serum, I think he would've been just like Steve because his core is just like Steven's imo. Sam's got heart.

Kalindu Perera

It's a failure of leadership. The government needed a symbol and went with the typical bureaucratic solution of depending entirely on numbers to make their decision. They ended up putting all this pressure on a guy that was already a solider, already trained in one way of thinking. The whole thing was doomed to fail- Walker just got caught in the middle of this shitshow.