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The top 4 will move into the final poll along with all the other winners of the next polls and battle it out in a FINAL POLL before the end of the week! You can VOTE FOR MORE THAN ONE as always! If you do not see your suggestion in this poll we have either seen it OR it will be in the following polls! 🥰


Cindy Clarkson

300 more than The Prestige ?! I don’t get it… 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm surprised "No Country for Old Men" isn't higher in votes. It has what's considered one of the best literary characters. No names because I don't want to put any potential spoilers for people who haven't seen it. Plus the author recently died. I'm a book nerd, though. :P


Can you vote for more than one cause its only letting me vote for one


You are probably using the app and it seems to be still buggy. Open Patreon in your browser to vote for multiple movies. :)

Count Monte-Cristo

I missed the poll :( Tucker and Dale vs Evil - Only thing I would suggest... I am voting for Inglorious bastards & Saw

Sherry Bandito

I think I must have slept for 10 years I don’t know but the names of a couple here.. will be interesting to see what’s on the other polls ..I can’t vote here because I’ve not seen any lol

Linda wightman

Mystic River is a masterclass in acting all of the cast are flawless but especially Sean Penn.


Hahahaha! What Women Want? Who voted for that?