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Michael Harrop

Much like Ben Linus on Lost Negan is a character who you hate at first and becomes the best part about the show, hes just so damn entertaining. Negan and Betas montage cracks me up every time, theres also something so satisfying about Negan not giving a shit about whispering, and just taking the piss out of these whackjobs.


do you guys realize how big Beta is?? he would crush Simon omg


Season 10 is awesome I don’t know how people can hate on it. Negan is hilarious it’s really amazing when you think back to how we first met him and he killed Glenn and Abe to now where he is walking around free doing his own thing and we actually enjoy seeing him

Sherry Bandito

Loved this episode and reaction

Kamanda Hickey

I am sorry but Negan is the most entertaining character. I feel like Alpha thought that he was handsome. He kinda look like Lydia’s father if you think about it 😅


the one thing that made me mad about this episode was that Negan was around the walkers without a mask and covered in blood. You would think the walkers would attack but then again. I can't help it I get annoyed when writers don't follow the rules or forget them

VeNinja K

Just so you guys are aware, season 10 would have ended at episode 16, so 8/16 are the finales in those regards. The final 6 episodes are bonus episodes tacked on to the end because Covid happened and we got a delay, so the stories are not quite normal episodes. One of them is arguably my favorite episode of TWD though.


It's not a mistake or plot hole, it's the same as Michonne in the early seasons. She didn't used to wear a mask or blood & guts, she just had walkers with her, so she blended in. They roam in packs, so if two walkers are walking close to her & not reacting, then none of the other walkers will react. The same thing happening here, except the "walkers" that are camouflaging her, are whisperers, but the walkers see the whisperers as walkers anyway. They did the same thing happened with Lydia & Henry in 9x12.

Michael Harrop

And one of them is easily the worst episode in the history of the show 😅 But yeah I think Rob and Trin should be aware of them being extra episodes because it is a very disconnected run of eps

Tylor Smith

I'm ready for my goddamn skin suit. Lol


Is Rob calling him 'easykill' on purpose, or just mispronouncing, ive not been able to tell since the character was introduced lol xD


Whats Coco looking at? Probably the cameraman lol, they wont have too much control over baby eye movement i dont think bless ya both.

Reverend Jim Jones

Alpha meets the real alpha. She's got no idea what she just got herself into. Time for some Negan badassery!


I love this episode. Everybody started shipping Daryl and Connie but I never gave up on Daryl and Carol. When Carol was fishing around trying to see if there was anything between Daryl and Connie his answer that "It wasn't like that, not at all" and then him NOT giving her an answer when she asked why not. The look he was giving her was like "You know why. Because I've been in love with you this whole time." That's why him and Ezekiel didn't mesh. He loves her enough to want her happy, but he can't be buddy, buddy, with her lover. Also, there's this one seen later and I won't spoil it but it adds to the fact of how he feels about her. It's not something you would expect from Daryl, so you know it's meaningful.