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TWD S10E04 Silence The Whisperers FULL REACTION


Matt O'Keefe

As a former amphetamine addict-pills and just plain meth myself(7 months sober), Carol must have been taking amphetamine pills of some type or something similar. It kept me up for hours, sometimes 12 hours or more on one dose. I saw and heard all types of illusions and delusions from extreme lack of sleep. I heard whole short conversations from people who were not even there.


Congratulations man that's no small achievement. You're strong, keep it up 💪


Quite a funny tidbit - Michonne & Ezekiel's kiss happened, because Michonne & Ezekiel were together in the comics. That's why when Zeke said "maybe in another universe", it was a little nod to the comic universe.

Matt O'Keefe

Well, the line up of heads from 9×15 was also different in the comic series.


It's nice being caught up, I'm looking forward to Monday again! It's been an amazing journey since I tuned in when season 1 episode 2 released over a year ago!


Oh really? Are they planning on reading the comics, or do they just stay clear from comic spoilers incase it's something that happens in the show too?

Angelina Sargent

So just fyi... Gabe was asked who was on watch and he responded with Laura... the former savior, and Gabe did say that he believed that she didn't do it or see anything. So I think Daryl saying he kept watch last night in my brain implies that he was keeping watch over the house due to the threat on Lydia he wasn't keeping watch over Negan which is why he knew Lydia couldn't have left the house. Just wanted to clarify that cause you guys mentioned you didn't hear the answer to that conversation.

Kim Magee

It's not impossible but even the caffeine pills they have in America when I was there my ex gave me some and they would keep me out for ages and I think it's quiet possible the seeing things that aren't there or may not have been there and the dreams could simply be from extreme lack of sleep as well as trauma and grief my 15 year old see things and hears things without any medication, it's just her neuro Divergent brain and anxieties if you added in extreme lack of sleep as well as grief and trauma God knows what she would hear and see she already hears conversations of ppl not there

Kim Magee

Very very true know ppl struggling with addictions and there is so little support, and even if they can afford a clinic if they're working they lose their wages and can't afford to lose their wages as well


I imagine whether they want to read the comics or not may somewhat hinge on how much of the differences that'd make them worth reading they already know about the comics before reading them, and its best to avoid spoilers regardless just in case they or any other commenter decides to read them in future even if they don't plan on it now.

Michele H.

I like that TWD is addressing PTSD on a deeper level in this episode. It’s so sad but such a serious issue 💚


Fun Fact: Michael Cudlitz (Abraham) directed this episode. And he does a couple more after this one 😁


This is how Daryl understands people, the moment Lydia said she felt safe in the cell, he closes the door. As if saying, "go ahead then, feel safe." Also, I love the way the Cassacy McClincy (Lydia) still plays the role as a former Whisperer, by the way she walks. It's like she's still walking among the walkers. Very good acting. First Negan saves Judith & Dog; then Aaron, and now Lydia. Damnit!! What's a person gotta do to continue to hate a villain. LOL! Nah. Still do. But good job by the writers to try real hard to change stubborn minds. 🤣🤣

Lil' Slim Fourzkin

I absolutely loved Michonne and Judith teaming up, especially Michonne's facial expression of "my daughter can kick some ass". I dont know if it was intentional but it was very reminiscent to Carl and Rick defending the prison.

Brad Tyler

Yeah that was a real goosebumps moment, seeing lil’ ass kicker living up to her name, and Michonne’s proud Momma face. Very reminiscent of Rick and Carl at the prison. I love when TWD has those callbacks. They do it a lot and it’s really great writing.


Will you be doing TWD spinoff "World Beyond"?... If so I think the time is now.... Hope you do it.


[Comic Spoiler] ... Just an FYI, the Ezekiel and MIchonne kiss and him saying "maybe in another universe" was for the comic fans. They were together int he comics, not Ezekiel and Carol.


I think they said they were going to do it a few weeks ago but it would mean that fear would be put on hold so people said that it wasnt really that relevant to the story so they will probably do it after twd is finished or they might do the newer spinoff (no spoilers lol)


Just had to once again say how much I love Michonne, she's so multidimensional.


R&T had mentioned a bit ago that they haven't read the comics yet. Not sure if they have started reading yet or not but they indicated they were going to read them at some point and asked to try and not have comic to tv show comparison/spoilers.

David Simpson

I’ve been waiting to see your reactions to negan saving Lydia, and I love that you predicted it 😂

Kamanda Hickey

The look Michonne gave to Judith when they were fighting the walkers side by side 😍my heart 😩 I was frustrated with Aaron not defending Lydia when these idiots were making fun of her.

Reverend Jim Jones

Never underestimate Negan and think he's mostly talk. He's out now, so we're about to see some Negan badassery!