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The Hobbit The Battle of the Five Armies FULL REACTION



You don't see Tauriel in LotR because she was completely made up for these films, wasnt a Tolkien character and wasn't in the book. She didnt exist until around 10 years after LotR was filmed


The hobbit is one book, so with 3 movies there’s a lot added, rather than a lot kept out. This whole movie battle is a rather short passage in the book since bilbo missed most of it. I do prefer the book’s ending for Kili, Fili, and Thorin. There was no trap and Azog is not even alive at the time of the Hobbit, but Bolg was. Fili and Kili died protecting Thorin. They wouldn’t leave his body when he was weak and dying. Because they added in Tauriel and had the love triangle they kind of disrespected Fili by just killing him suddenly and then spending more time focusing on killing Kili in front of Tauriel. I do like this movie. If you guys do a livestream I would love some sort of lord of the rings /hobbit Q & A. I would love to know your favorite moments, favorite characters, least favorite characters, plot lines etc.

Luke Fitton

Gandalf only discovers that Bilbo has ‘the one ring’ in Lord Of The Rings, he may suspect it here but he mostly just believes that he has one of the rings but not the one to rule them all. If he knew for sure that it was the one ring already then a lot more could have been done to prepare Frodo in future but everything just happened quite suddenly so he went to that library to see just what ring it was. On a separate note, when Thorin threatened to kill Dwalin I’d have liked to see that fight. I honestly think Dwalin would have taken him since he managed on Ravenhill by himself.


Gandalf does NOT know what that ring is, he doesnt even suspect it is the one ring, just is cautious of magic rings, it's only in Fellowship when Bilbo calls it 'Precious' he first suspects and he is then away for months riding to Gondor to find out more, and returns to see if the markings appear to confirm. here, he has no idea it could even possibly be the one ring.... Surprised you didnt recognize Billy Connolly as Dane, you guys are def better at faces than voices haha, Loved James Nesbit in these films too (Bofur).... Everyones favorite Balin is the same Balin, Balin's Tomb is named after in Moria in Fellowship. He died there to 'the drums' those were his words.

Michelle Schaefer

Okay halfway through, might as well do this now: - I love that both of you love the beast Smaug is so much. He would be extremly useful in the future, yes, but historically dragons were always on the "evil" side. Defeating Smaug now was one of Gandalfs biggest drives to start the quest for Erebor at that time as he did not want to risk the enemy convincing Smaug to join him and thereby getting Erebor without having to defeat Smaug. - "They [the ring-wraiths] look different from the Nazgûl" Oh yes, they do! As depicted in the movie they are entirely formless and thereby can still represent their "actual" looks. As the Nazgûl they are formless as well, but their cloaks make them able to properly interact with the world (ride a horse e.g.) but with the downside of not being able to look like themselves - The love for Galadriel is very much appreciated and I always cheer when she banishes Sauron <3 Epic! - Gandalf has Radagast's staff, yep. And you (rob) were absolutly right about the Moria thing. Very funny - To the question of if the Arkenstone was like a beta for the Ring... no. Not at all. The Arkenstone had a minor role in the book and was not nearly as important of an item as it is in the movie. I personally like the change though, as it makes more sense as to why Thorin could not have walked up to Erebor with a huge ass army as he is the rightful King of Durin's Folk - "I remember none of this" - Rob. Makes sense, cause almost all of it was not in the book. The only two big things up until this point that had been in the book was 1) Bard slaying Smaug and 2) Bilbo giving the Arkenstone up after taking it as his 14th of the treasure - I just have to say it EVERY time... Thorin giving Bilbo one of the most precious things in the whole of Erebor WHILE being under the influence of Dragon Sickness (meaning: He wants to keep absolutly EVERYTHING to himself) gets me everytime. Also never, ever doubting him, while doubting everyone else... the bond these two have is just so, so great. You don't see friendships like that a lot. - Dáin? Badass, funny, rides a cute af piggy.... HE'S A LEGEND AND I WILL NOT ACCEPT ANYTHING ELSE <3 Love the reactions he got out of you two - "The award for best mounts goes to dwarves" YES! Horses? Boring. Elk? Yawn. Pigs and goats? HELL YEAH <3 - "I have never seen dwarves be this cool in anything" YES. That is one of the reasons why this trilogy is one of my favourites of all time. (Ranked similar to how you explained in the beginning) just because dwarves are often made out to be comic relief or kinda stupid or whatever. They are never really portrayed like the badasses they really are. That is something these movies do really nicely and I love them for it. Yes, we still get a lot of comedy, but they also show this very noble side, while not neglecting the full emotional range.


"The crazy Scots one"....that Hog riding Psycho, good sir, was Billy Connolly. I was amazed neither of you seemed to recognise him.

Take a Ticket

In my head I was unsure if it was Billy or Brian so I kept my mouth shut xD I do know who he is though lol. Trin would have no idea tbh

Michelle Schaefer

Part 2: - "Should the elves help?" THAT is an interesting question that I've never considered. I guess technically they don't HAVE to help. But they would have to fight whatever remains of the orcs after all the dwarves are dead. Hm... interesting "What if..." - "What are the five armies?" No one knows. Your guess is pretty solid though :) - "I feel sorry for the trolls" Same. Especially in this movie with the legs and arms and eyes replaced. Gave me a chill seeing that for the first time - Seeing Rob being really mad at Thorin and hearing the anger in Trins voice was really, really good. I loved it. Proper reactions without being over the top - "Do not speak to me..." "Okay, bye!" had me wheezing for like 5 minutes. - I love the scene between Dwalin and Thorin so much. The way he is always loyal towards Thorin and how you can see Dwalin's heart break over Thorin's words. Oof - "I can already feel the chills" you guys had me so hyped even though I knew what would happen - "He [Bombur/Trin's fave] can't even get up!" Oh boy do I have a story for you guys. Bombur is actually married and ends up having TWELVE children. And in the latter part of his life he needs to be lifted up from the sofa by them in order to move at all. So still very agile here. - The whole fun af thing with the goats and the huge cart thingy? And Bofur on the troll? And the arrow destroying spinny things? ALL extended. And to me that stuff makes the battle fun to watch in the first place. I can't stand watching the battle without them cause the fun got removed. So really glad you watched the extended!! - Legolas didn't just throw Thorin his sword. Legolas threw Thorin Orcrist. The sword he had found in the troll cave. After taking the dwarves to be captured Legolas takes and wields Orcrist for a good while, before in that moment giving it back to Thorin, who then uses it to kill Azog. Love that. - Martin Freeman is such an amazing actor, I can't say it enough. But especially during and after Thorin's death I just love, love, love his perfomance. When Gandalf sits there with his pipe, just bringing back some levity into the whole thing... Martin's acting of sadness/grief/being annoyed everything... so amazing - "This is how we should all live" YES. Holes in grounds is the way to go.


Gandalf doesn't 'know exactly what it is', he doesn't find out until The Lord of the Rings.


One of the reasons it feels like it drags a bit in some parts, is because it was originally intended to be 2 movies, but the producers pushed Peter Jackson to expand it into a trilogy…. DURING PRODUCTION. So a lot of things were added or reshoot to make that third movie, and completely change the sorry editing of the movies.

Bradley Weeks

"I don't want to let go." I know exactly how you feel. It's such a rich world and I always feel I want to know more. I always love turning to the bonus material "The making of". It's a nice way to extend your time in middle earth. It has been a pleasure to rewatch these movies with you both. Great reaction as always.😄

Maggie Barbour

Watching this saga with you has been so much fun. I traveled to New Zealand a few years back and got to visit Hobbiton. You end your tour at the Green Dragon pub with a mug of ale. But I met other travelers from Denmark in small dreary hostels and together we found our way to places that are not advertised like Mt. Sunday where they built Edoras and you can see the Helm's Deep quarry in the distance. I will admit I didn't initially love these movies because I was holding them to the standard of the LOTR but I am glad I watched them and I think I enjoyed them more through both of your eyes. Thank you!

Josh B.

Fun fact even though you sadly missed it by not watching the credits: The actor that played Pippin in LOTR sang a song for the movie that is really good, I personally would not like to see reactions to Rings of Power as I think better things can be watched, it just doesn't capture the magic of these movies or Tolkien in general since they changed a lot that didn't feel right, I know some people have problems with the changes in these movies but I think they all fit this universe, that is just me though everybody else can think what they want and and if you guys end up watching it so be it, was a fun ride with you guys and sad to see the journey end but look forward to more big franchise reactions, I think the Maze Runner trilogy is a really good one that I think you would like.

Anthony Ancona

I haven't seen Rings of Power, but I am open to it even if just to give it a chance.


If you wish to stay longer in this amazing world, you guys should DEFINITELY watch the Making of and behind the scenes of both Lotr and The Hobbit. It's hours of absolutely awesome behind the scenes material, really worth watching. It will make you love the movies even more!


Rings of power is a good show if you want more Middle Earth, ignore the reviews, it was review bombed mostly by racists due to casting black actors in prominent roles


I read all the Lord Of The Rings and The Silmarillion every year, love everything Tolkien and I'm glad the 2 of your have loved these movies as much as I have. If no one has mentioned it already, the kind faced Dwarf you like, he led an expedition to reclaim Moria and its his tomb Gimli gets emotional at in The Fellowship Of The Ring and also the dead Dwarf Gandalf gets the book from to read about the "drums in the deep" is Ori, the young Dwarf with the slingshot. Another minor detail left out in The Fellowship Of Ring movie, that book also describes the death of Nori, the deaf Dwarf with the ear trumpet. Regarding the Rings Of Power.... I would like it more if you did not watch it. Don't let it take away some of the best parts of you for liking and loving these movies like it did to other Tolkien fans around the world.

Julia Ashley

Pretty sure race had nothing to do with it. Other shows like Bridgerton for example have done exceptionally well. It was more to do with them changing so much of the story. I did like the show though.


I mean all you have to do is type "rings of power racism" into Google and you'll see racism had a lot to do with the bad reviews


Rings of Power isn't as good as the movies. It just isn't. However, it's far better than the majority of negative reviews make out. The first couple of episodes are slow going but once you get past those it's so worth it, especially seeing how invested you both are in the world

Hazel Angus

I wonder if you might be able to handle Rings of Power if you approached it with the attitude of "this is just an interpretation from one group of people, based on their understanding of history". That's what Tolkien did - the books are about historical events as written in a number of different historical sources, from different people and multiple races, all of whom probably would have had their own agendas. Perhaps Rings of Power is a bit like that.

Hazel Angus

To be fair mate, if I typed "racism" into a search engine I would expect to find a great many things to do with racism...

Hazel Angus

Thorin really does break my heart here. He began with such nobility and honour, and became so terribly unwell. The look in his eyes when he speaks of the gold - he's completely off his head but, horribly, he is still Thorin. As time goes on, even he recognises that he's being a complete arsehole, he just can't stop. That look in his eyes when he becomes more Dragonish - it's a cross between sexual arousal and heroin use. That's exactly what he looks like. It's why he's pushing away anyone who tries to talk sense into him, and why his self-loathing just gets worse and worse.