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The Hobbit The Desolation Of Smaug 2013 FULL REACTION



I've been so excited about this, they may not be as amazing as lord of the rings as everyone loves to point out but just being back in Tolkien's world feels so special. Can't wait to watch later :))


Love this world, love these reactions! These films were made during the era of cheesy 3D movies, and unfortunately Peter Jackson and crew were pressured by the studio to incorporate that... Still love visiting middle earth despite all that!

Michael Harrop

Bilbo is around 3 feet 6 inches tall

Luke Fitton

I feel very bad for Bard. He helped out the Dwarves and it results in his children getting attacked by orcs, him ending up in jail and a massive dragon on its way to slaughter his village.


Rob, it's called a Glesga (Glasgow) Kiss. The rest of us are much more civilised. Did you recognise the guy at 1hr 32mins with the eyepatch? Stephen Colbert, who is a HUGE Tolkien fan and managed to get himself a cameo.


Surprised you didn't notice Benedict Cumberbatch was the voice of Smaug. Holmes and Watson reunited :P


I think this one is my least favorite of the trilogy. Some good parts, but this part of the story drags for me and there’s so much unnecessary added to it like the weird love triangle. I also prefer parts of the story where Gandalf is involved, and in this one we get so much of the elves and men of lake town. They didn’t use the charm of Martin Freeman’s Bilbo, which is the best thing about these movies. Smaug being so cool amped up my rating, but it is a small portion of the movie. Not a bad movie, but lacking in a lot of areas. Great to be back in Middle Earth though!

Count Monte-Cristo

I love the fact that there is a fax machine in one of the chambers of Erebor. It would be quite convenient for Smaug to receive updates about the happenings in Middle-earth


As someone who is 5'1 it makes me feel tall lol. So many people have called me a hobbit in my life though haha.

Ugly Pig

Rob is correct - they actually used gopro footage for some of the barrel sequence.

Michelle Schaefer

I really enjoyed this movie! Even though when it ended on that giant cliffhanger I got really angry cause I couldn't believe they would leave us hanging for a whole year on that! The theories went crazy on what could happen next. Anyways, really loved Trin being back in full Sherlock-mode for this movie, predicting so many things that happened! And love that Rob and I agree that middle earth needs more railings and safety guards. I would have tripped and died on any of those tiny paths and staircases! Also don't know if it's been said yet, but Benedict Cumberbatch voiced both the Dragon and the Necromancer in this and they only did some minor adjustments to his voice. This man is crazy good at voice acting, especially with the Black Speech. Can't wait for the next one! <3


So good to watch this with you both Rob and Trin. Fun fact for you…. Thranduil (Legolas’ father) is the same actor who played Ronan from the Marvel movies (guardians, captain marvel etc). Lee Pace is his name. Love these movies and so glad you are watching the extended. The theatrical versions left out so much.


The only bad part about Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit was waiting a year in between each movie in the triology. It really wasn't fair lol. Glad yall only have to wait a week.


Roooooob.! Dont turn down the volume! :O great reaction :*


Absolut insane cliffhanger xD

Bradley Weeks

I love the cliffhanger ending! It's always made me smile. I love that we are not done with the dragon yet.


The guy dressed in white standing next to Rose and Jack on the stern of the ship when she sank was a real person. He was Titanic's head baker and certainly enjoyed his alcohol.


I need more now!!!! 😫😁

Hazel Angus

I love that so much of the last 20 mins is basically a visual representation of what happens if you piss off a party of engineers. Some people who saw the film thought it was too far-fetched, but I don't! Up to ten engineers plus a hobbit, and Thorin and Balin know exactly where their stocks are because they were here before the dragon came. Obviously they don't actually kill him, but it's probably realistic that they could problem-solve this quickly.