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Kallie Pampuch

World Beyond isn't necessary for S10 and 11, but it would help with certain things.


I personally am loving the Fear reactions, along with The Walking Dead ones too. I'd miss the Fear reactions but if that's what you need to do, then that's what needs to happen. I don't think its too confusing without the World Beyond series, its just a little out of place. If the Fear reactions do stop, I hope they're not gone for too long! Love the reactions y'all


As long as Fear comes back afterwards i'm more than happy for you to watch World quickly, it's not great, not really necesary to understand anything in 10/11 imo as i didnt watch it before 10/11, but it will give you some nice moments and more understanding at least of certain things going on. only watched key points of it myself so would certainly watch it fully with you guys this time around c:


As long as Fear comes back after cool ! I was actually wondering if you were going to watch World Beyond. Not necessary for season 10 and 11 but very useful for the "bigger picture" let's just say that 😃


World beyond has nothing to do with season 10 or 11 but it is important to watch, you can easily wait until youre done with fear the walking dead before you start world beyond :)


I’d wait until after you finish the main show and then do world beyond. Because you’ll probably be done with that before fear. It’s not integral that you watch it immediately but it’s definitely worth the watch after one of the shows.

Angelina Sargent

Yeah... I have no idea where they heard this... I have never even seen world beyond and I understood everything.


Did Trin disappear toward the end? Samantha Morton was a great get for them in this season, she's an excellent actress. She's amazing in Minority Report.

Jack's World

When you guys asked if Alpha would’ve cared if someone from hilltop had touched her…I’d put money on NO because alpha is one sick bitch from what we heard this episode about her early history with Lydia

Jack's World

I really appreciate World beyond for World building and it certainly needs to be watched before the end of the main series to give context to the overall series


Gabriel and Rosita are still the most bizarre couple in this show to me. I really don't see the chemistry and they're just so different. Siddiq makes more sense, plus we wouldn't have this weird soap opera love triangle.


I gave up on World Beyond after maybe 4 eps, but would be willing to watch it through with you guys. As much hate as the "lows" of TWD and FTWD have gotten over the years, you both seem to enjoy those points of the shows and have not had the same disdain. That said, I'd imagine you'd both enjoy Beyond as well.


Getting close to one of my favourite episodes of season 9 (episode 15).


Michonne: "The people can weigh the risk, AND CHOOSE". When I heard Daryl's voice coming from the mask, it gave me chills - in a good way. I wasn't prepared to give an opinion about TWD: World Beyond, because I thought we had time before you'd make your decision about watching it. I can't, in all honesty, tell you whether it's a good or bad show, because I only got 3 episodes in before I stopped. So, it wouldn't be fair. But, I have watched TWD main show all the way through the end, and I was not for a moment confused about what happened. It's your call, in the end, but I wanted to add to what a lot of people are saying. You do not have to watch TWD:WB to understand TWD season 10 & 11. Anyway...this was a great episode. Like you said, we got to see how Alphas group live.


Dont watch world beyond until after the walking dead and even then you dont have to watch it


I think if Rob and Trin want to watch world beyond then let them , the shows do connect to each other with the fact there's a character that crosses over. The fact that the new series that's being released is based on the places where WB is based they maybe should watch it to get a better understanding. They've been asked for ages to do it by us that's been around longer and on discord. Yall can't recommend people NOT to watch something you've never watched ?


World Beyond is only crucial for the series being released now that TWD is finished. I can't really say more for spoilers but World Beyond links to new series more than it does the new show.


I'm so hyped for the next episode yeah alpha have some sort of rules but that plays on her favor 😉 can't wait for more reaction for next week 😁

Brad Tyler

Alpha wasn’t cheating, those two were conspiring to overthrow her, there were several moments that are easily missed where Alpha was overhearing them as they walked and saw them together in the woods. She was ready when they finally confronted her. She knew it was the woman making her boyfriend make the move. And she showed them all never to cross her… she is savage. That’s why I love her character so much, she brings a real sense of danger to the show. Plus, Daryl, Connie and Dog is the team up I didn’t know I needed.

Donte Jackson

Am I the only one who watches the main Walking Dead show, and doesn't watch Fear?

Danny Jasper

WB can be watched after main series, or before, or during. It doesn't really *really* matter imo.


I think you should give it a try. Shows are pretty similar once you are invested in characters


Rather watch FTWD then TWD World Beyond. But even better, when is telltale TWD coming? That is a banger!

Lores Vroniku

Personally I would not recommend prioritizing World Beyond over Fear.


Nope, I keep trying to marathon Fear but it's so awful I can't


Ngl I would be super stoked for you guys to see World Beyond, especially if it takes priority over Fear, but I can’t lie to you; whoever said you “won’t understand seasons 10 and/or 11 if you don’t watch World Beyond” was feeding you complete and utter bull. It will clear some very minor things up and really provide some context about the world building, but it hardly relates to the main show, nor does it explain ANY of the main stories for seasons 10 and 11. I watched 10 and 11 without seeing World Beyond and it makes perfect sense. You don’t need to watch it by any means, but it would be cool if you did.


You don’t need to watch World Beyond to ‘understand TWD Seasons 10 & 11’…

Michael Harrop

I've watched all of FTWD once and that was tough enough😅 I have no desire to revisit it beyond the first 3 seasons


orrrr, you could pause the 100, do world beyond and then go back to it, seeing as its only just begun and 'off theme' of The Walking Dead? because you really dont need to see World before season 10, can just watch it alongside both TWD and Fear. All of TWD goodness.

Anthony Tucceri

Wait To They Finish The Main Show They Might Have To Get Into Tales Of The Walking Dead But Not Until They Finish The Main Walking Dead


Voting NO on pausing The 100. There's enough Walking Dead stuff on here without sidelining a different series, that I enjoy more.


yeah walking dead fans have four episodes a week to look forward to already, and suggesting taking away the one ep per week of another show for more walking dead content, quite shocking to even make the suggestion if I'm honest. not all of us here are into TWD and are hoping for more 'off theme' in future not less. This is not a 'walking dead' channel a lot of us were here a year before walking dead even started. No problem at all that TWD is heavy on the channel since its popular and good for R+T's channel, and am happy you're enjoying the TWD content but leave some scraps for the rest of us won't ya? ;)

Lores Vroniku

Yeah whoever told them that is just wrong. World Beyond has nothing to do with the storylines in S10 and 11.


I was here before TWD started, there are also plenty of movies every month too. chill, was a suggestion and thats it. Wasn't shocking at all seeing as though there isnt much of World and would be over and out of the way with quickly. and theres no reason to hope for less TWD and more other stuff because at some point there wont be any TWD and only otherstuff. like i said, suggestion only, as i'd not seen it suggested at all by anyone so put it out there. For me personally, i dont mind either way in the slightest, was only there to give an option, so, again, chill Lemmy, chill.


Whatever ever you guys want to do is fine with me but I don't think watching World Beyond is necessary to understand seasons 10 and 11. I only watched 2 episodes and understood those seasons. I'll probably continue watching FTWD on my own, then rewatch with you guys.


Just bear in mind how sometimes you're really looking forward to the next episode of something, some big episode of TWD you've been dying for them to see, and the days are ticking by, episodes and episodes of stuff you're not interested in go by, just waiting for that one episode all week. Now imagine you literally only have one TWD episode ALL week. Now imagine I said 'hey R+T, how about you delay that episode PhoenixReturns is looking forward to for **20 weeks** (4-5 months of patreon monthly subscriptions, I might add) so we get more eps of that show I like that PheonixReturns doesn't? It's only 20 weeks, after all! PhoenixReturns can do without any content for that long surely, it's only short?' - I know it was 'just a suggestion' but you can't see how even making that suggestion and showing your lack of consideration for stuff that's important to other people, to the point you may be removing their one and only piece of content they are here for, in favour of the thing you like that already has more weekly content than anything else, could possibly annoy people?


lol, ok, youre chatting complete nonsense mate, this aint youtube comments, what are you going on about? I dont even like World beyond? it was an impartial option to put out there, youre going off on one for no reason and being nonsensical. I'm out of this convo.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-27 03:42:03 Whoever told you that you need to watch World Beyond in order to understand season 10 & 11 is lying. There are not any links between World Beyond & TWD's final two seasons other than one little 30 second scene, which even then isn't something you NEED to watch. Whoever said that is someone that wants you to watch it, so they're tricking you guys into thinking you won't understand the main show without it. The show isn't that good. It has some decent moments, especially in the second season, but it's full of annoying characters, bad acting, cringy writing & frustrating plot points. It's also very slow & leaves no sense of fulfilment/reward after finishing it. The plot of the show is far more exciting than the execution in mine & many other TWD fans opinion. If you want to watch it, fair enough, but I beg please don't prioritise it over the main show. You will be completely fine.
2023-06-27 03:42:03 Whoever told you that you need to watch World Beyond in order to understand season 10 & 11 is lying. There are not any links between World Beyond & TWD's final two seasons other than one little 30 second scene, which even then isn't something you NEED to watch. Whoever said that is someone that wants you to watch it, so they're tricking you guys into thinking you won't understand the main show without it. The show isn't that good. It has some decent moments, especially in the second season, but it's full of annoying characters, bad acting, cringy writing & frustrating plot points. It's also very slow & leaves no sense of fulfilment/reward after finishing it. The plot of the show is far more exciting than the execution in mine & many other TWD fans opinion. If you want to watch it, fair enough, but I beg please don't prioritise it over the main show. You will be completely fine.
2023-06-26 19:18:37 Whoever told you that you need to watch World Beyond in order to understand season 10 & 11 is lying. There are not any links between World Beyond & TWD's final two seasons other than one little 30 second scene, which even then isn't something you NEED to watch. Whoever said that is someone that wants you to watch it, so they're tricking you guys into thinking you won't understand the main show without it. The show isn't that good. It has some decent moments, especially in the second season, but it's full of annoying characters, bad acting, cringy writing & frustrating plot points. It's also very slow & leaves no sense of fulfilment/reward after finishing it. The plot of the show is far more exciting than the execution in mine & many other TWD fans opinion. If you want to watch it, fair enough, but I beg please don't prioritise it over the main show. You will be completely fine.

Whoever told you that you need to watch World Beyond in order to understand season 10 & 11 is lying. There are not any links between World Beyond & TWD's final two seasons other than one little 30 second scene, which even then isn't something you NEED to watch. Whoever said that is someone that wants you to watch it, so they're tricking you guys into thinking you won't understand the main show without it. The show isn't that good. It has some decent moments, especially in the second season, but it's full of annoying characters, bad acting, cringy writing & frustrating plot points. It's also very slow & leaves no sense of fulfilment/reward after finishing it. The plot of the show is far more exciting than the execution in mine & many other TWD fans opinion. If you want to watch it, fair enough, but I beg please don't prioritise it over the main show. You will be completely fine.


Stop lying you don’t need to watch the world beyond at all tbh


They aren't "lying"? They literally said they don't think it's necessary.


First off you don't need to be rude and second, you need to step back and reread my comment because I never told them they had to watch World Beyond.