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The Shining 1980 FULL REACTION


Steven Schmaling

The actor that played Danny didn’t see the movie until years later because his parents wouldn’t let him. Stanley Kubrick hid a lot of hints about the moon from Danny’s Apollo sweater to room 237. The moon is 237,000ish miles away from earth.

Count Monte-Cristo

I watched this movie when I was 7. Not by permission of course 😂 And you can imagine effect it had on me. Not best thing I ever have done


This is one of my favourite films you’ve reacted to so far, Wendy is a badass. I couldn’t help but laugh when the loud music was blowing out your eardrums lol.


Great movie. Time for some facts... Stanley Kubrick shot hours of the helicopter footage at the beginning, so much that Ridley Scott used some of it for the end of the original Bladerunner. Lloyd the Barman is also Eldon Tyrell, head of the Tyrell Corporation that makes the replicants in Bladerunner too. Shelley Duvall suffered terribly making this movie, Kubrick and Nicholson were purposefully being mean to her the whole time to keep her on edge just like her character would be. There's a behind the scenes documentary and you can see they're doing it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbNqMsK9xZs The "Heeeere's Johnny" is from Johnny Carson's introduction, an old classic chat show host of the time. It's horrible when Dick Hallorann dies cos, with him having the Shining too, you assume he's going to solve/help the situation. I think Jack was always a shitty father, even when they're driving to the hotel, he's rolling his eyes with anything his wife/son says. Stephen King wasn't indeed entirely happy with this depiction, I haven't read the book but Kubrick must've taken some license with it.


You kept wondering if the actors were okay after this and if we're going to be honest the answer is no. The actress of Wendy was harshly abused throughout filming this movie. Kubrick said that it made the acting more believable and that it made the end product worth it. We see how the film is now seen as one of the greats but you have to question if that treatment was humane. The actress quit acting altogether after this and she only recently has come into the spotlight to talk about it. After mention this is possibly the most theorised about movie. There's a sequel out there called Doctor Sleep that came out in 2019 with Ewan McGregor. It explains a bit more in Stephen Kings universe, all of his books are connected and some of his other works include the "shining". However this is Kubrick's interpretation and it'll probably never be truly explained


Ok so I gave this movie a second chance because you make things entertaining, and I thought maybe I'm going to change my mind. Well that didn't work 😂The first 30 minutes though I was really having a good time, but then came the loud music, all the too long scenes and overacting just to show you you should be scared, instead of letting you feeling it, the stupid decisions...Anyway, just here to say I love horror and the book was sooooo much better, it's actually one of my favorites! So if you want to try it go ahead, way more creepy things and yes more story also. Maybe try the audiobook if you don't want to read. And for movies made from S.King books, don't forget you've also watched The Green Line. If you want other good ones, keep Misery in mind, and Dolores Claiborne which isn't horror but an amazing movie nonetheless. I can't wait for The Thing, I've surprisingly never seen it despite it being a classic, so we'll discover it together 😁


Never got around to see the movie either, So I'm watching it for the first time with you guys. I've seen the Simpsons parody though, So I have some idea of what to expect:)


Shelley didn't quit acting after it although she did suffer greatly making it, she was also in Popeye with Robin Williams and many projects since, including The Twilight Zone, Roxanne, Frasier, etc.

Alyssa Dyson

You should watch Doctor sleep the sequel to this. 💜

Brad Tyler

Stanley Kubrick was such a visionary director. His style is absolutely beautiful and this movie is a masterpiece. I was so sceptical when King announced a sequel novel, and that was also being translated to the big screen. However, Doctor Sleep is without a doubt one of the best horror movies of the past 20 years. I think it’s an incredible follow up to The Shining and I HIGHLY recommend you react to it. You kept commenting on the music but that is 100% by design. It’s meant to jangle your nerves and cause you to feel unnerved and uncomfortable. Wendy Carlos did the score and it’s iconic, as are her scores for A Clockwork Orange and Tron. She’s a pioneer of synthesiser music.


I was never a big fan of Stanley Kubrik's films, and I guess I have to say that this movie is the reason behind it. Great cinematic effects, but his storytelling ability leaves something to be desired. I've read the novel by Stephen King AFTER watching this movie (years after), so the books had nothing to do with why I didn't like the movie (although, I do believe it should be experienced at least once). I also think it's because I was never a fan of Jack Nicholson, although I did like him in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. This movie was all about featuring Jack Nicholson, and nothing about featuring the fantastic novel. The ending is very, very different. All I'll say, is that Jack redeems himself at the end. He really did love his family, he just had his own version of The Shine, and because of his alcoholism, the hotel was able to take him over. The hotel itself is an evil entity in & of itself, so he had no chance. btw...Dick Halloran (Scatman Crothers) is my favorite too. After reading the book, I was even more disappointed in Stanley Kubrik's version (btw...the TV adaptation is much better, believe it or not). But, the scene between Jack & Wendy on the stairwell, was well done. The "Here's Johnny," reference is two-fold. 1) Jack's real name is John Torrence; he just goes by Jack. And, 2) Jack is referencing the famous introduction of Johhny Carson's in his talk-show. Since reading this book, I've become a HUGE Stephen King fan, and have read every single one of his novels. Some I love - many multiple reads: The Stand, The Shining, IT, Misery, Fairy Tales); some I like - once, or twice read): Carrie, Pet Sematary, The TommyKnockers; & some I read once & liked okay: Desperation, Insomnia, Needful Things. A lot of his movies have made it to film. Some are good & some are not so good, but watchable, and some are really bad. The Stand was made into a mini-series, back in the 90s, & it's my favorite, then IT comes next (the original, of course, but the remake was good too). After that, it's a toss...and subjective. After all that being said, I really, really enjoyed watching this with you guys. The deliciously witty comments from both of you is why I'm here. Also, sorry for the long comment.

Driver ED

You know something is off, but you don't know what it is. The layout of the hotel, the aerial shots (of substitute buildings that can't possibly be the same place), unusual camera angles, etc. were so masterfully done to create an unsettling atmosphere and get under the skin. It all starts with the very first shot of the film, and not once does it ever stop. I don't think I've seen any reactor notice that the administrator's office at the beginning of the film is very obviously located near the center of the building, making it physically impossible for it to have that large window behind the desk, or that there are doors in the hallways that can't lead anywhere, the TV they were watching in the downstairs living room that had no power cord attached. Subtle touches like that really help the subconscious get into the right frame of mind to be able to appreciate the film.

Simon Williams

Loved the reaction! One of the great things about this movie is how much it encourages discussion about the movie. Glad you guys got into it!!


Most of this movie is all Kubrick. For example, you’re right, there was no point, in the end, for Halloran to come up to the hotel, only to die. (The only reason here is to bring the vehicle so they could escape.) I’ll just say everything is so different in the book. Everything is explained well. Ends totally different. Saying anything else would give a lot away to those who will someday read the book. Kubrick is just always over the top, hitting you on the head with shock value. And no explanations. I don’t blame King for disliking this movie. The book is MUCH better. By the way, “Heeeeere’s Johnny” comes from the The Tonight Show starring the great Johnny Carson. He hosted from 1962 -1992. It was how he was introduced each night.


In my opinion, Stanley Kubrick isn’t just one of the greatest American directors and screenwriters but one of the best to ever do it period. His filmography as a whole is undeniable


Gotta check out Popeye with Robin Williams please Kinda goes with Black Sails Also Maxumum Overdrive for more Steven King


If you ever do a 70s poll, I hope you watch Barry Lyndon (1975). It's my favorite Kubrick film, and it has the most gorgeous cinematography I've ever seen. Also hope you will get around to Blade Runner some time. An absolute sci-fi masterpiece that feels as fresh as it did 40 years ago.


Misery also one to watch if you haven't already!!

Wendy Sparks

I think that Kubrick is a visual and technical master... but at times his obsessiveness in those areas can make the actual storytelling suffer or be frustrating. I feel like everyone should watch this, and 2001: A Space Odyssey, etc... But film buffs will appreciate the detailed artistry more. Definitely follow up with 'Doctor Sleep' if you can. It's really good... and makes everything more clear. (Now to power nap for Infinity War!)

Wendy Sparks

I remember 'Maximum Overdrive' being panned when it came out, doing poorly... But it's really a ton of fun to watch. Highly enjoyable.


Definitely watch the sequel Doctor Sleep next. It's a great film in its own right but it splits the difference in terms of having Kubricks atmosphere but being more faithful to the book's world.


Same goes with Creepshow Another Steven King sleeper It's sequel wasn't quite as good but it was equally weird

Oriana Lo Presti

So yeah, in the book Holloran doesn't die. I was confused when he died in the movie. And in the book, they're background is explained really well. We see their lives when Danny is younger, when Jack is an alcoholic, and his journey with different jobs and wanting to be a writer. Also Danny growing up with "Tony"


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I actually liked the the sequel, Dr. Sleep, more. I felt like it explained some of the concepts from the book better.


A lot of fun theories too. Some think it’s confirmation that the US faked the moon landing footage to beat the soviets. I’ve seen a compelling argument that it’s about the US empire, currency and the gold standard. References to the nazi party, racism, genocide of native Americans. All made creepier by the fact that there is clearly a larger story with its own internal logic but we have no access to it or ability to understand it in its entirety


Also Charles Grady’s name changes to Dilbert Grady by the end of the film. Yeah idk, father and son? Love that you guys watched this. Hope you experiment with more Kubrick films, and depending on which one I recommend reading up a little beforehand what the film is dealing with thematically just to lay the groundwork so you can enjoy it more, it ain’t the MCU (although I love that too)


Please watch the sequel, Dr. Sleep.


Yeah, I like this as a classic art film, but Kubrick is never been the best at conveying a story. I feel he takes liberties with source material in order to actually obfuscate and confuse as to what is actually going on. It frustrates me and I, like Rob, don't really "get it." I've seen a few of his movies and they all bother me. They are very stylistic, but I like a coherent story above all. Now I f'n LOVE Dr. Sleep. It does a great job of paying homage to this movie while doing a great job also of telling the point of the story of a sequel. I haven't read it, but I read The Shining after I saw the movie and I much preferred the book. I haven't read "Dr. Sleep" but I saw that Stephen King really did love the movie of it, which he did NOT for "The Shining."


I will throw in my suggestion also for you guys to watch Dr. Sleep and if you can, watch the Director's Cut and not the Theatrical Cut. There's a LOT of stuff they cut from the theatrical one (for time, I believe) that misses out on very good character and story stuff, not gore (in case you were worried). I watched it because my friend, whose a big Stephen King fan also, had read it and told me it was good. I didn't know it was a sequel to this until it'd been out for a bit and I was about to rent it. I saw the trailer before it came out and thought it looked really interesting, but had no idea it was a sequel. I came out of it absolutely LOVING it. My friend had told me to watch it, but didn't tell me it was a sequel, just that he thought it was good. :-D I liked "The Shining" as a classic, but read the book after and the book is SO much better and a more thorough story (not one of Kubrick's strong suits, if you ask me) and yeah Kubrick changed a bunch of stuff and then threw in some stuff and didn't explain anything. I guess, to be more...artistic? Anyway, I find his movies extremely frustrating, especially if you read the source materials he works from. I think now, watching The Shining is good just so you can get all the context that's in the wonderful "Dr. Sleep." Since the book "Dr. Sleep" is a sequel to the book "The Shining," it was a challenge to do a movie of it, but make it a sequel to the movie version of "The Shining" and I think Mike Flanagan did it BRILLIANTLY. OK, enough of my gushing. I think you get my feelings.


Kubrick is a gem. Love or hate his films, there's always a good conversation to be had afterwards. And they are all very different from each other. He never really repeated himself. For a fun comedy/satire type of Kubrick movie, I'd recommend Dr. Strangelove...which got me to thinking of the movie Being There which I also think you would enjoy.


Being there and Dr. Strangelove are incredible films.


I really hope you guys watch Doctor Sleep! Kubrick cut out a lot of character stuff that made that novel so good, and somehow they managed to restore that in the sequel. I've never seen a sequel retro-actively improve a movie so much, and it's kind of fascinating.


I felt the same way. I've always been annoyed that this movie cuts out most of what made the novel interesting in the first place, but Doctor Sleep even kind of manages to fix the Shining retroactively. One of the best sequels I've ever seen.


I agree. I think this is a stunning movie in terms of visuals and atmosphere, but it has very little depth which is what made the novel so special. But Doctor Sleep manages to retroactively tie the novel and the movie together in a satisfying way.