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Abi Clark

The best 2 episode arc of the whole series imo, absolutely incredible

debbie l.

There is a miniseries that takes place before this mutiny that shows more information on what was happening around Gaeta at this time. IT is on you tube and called "The face of the enemy"


Baltar’s phone conversation with Gaeta this ep makes me sad because it hammers home what a tragedy Gaeta’s arc is. Meeting and having his trust taken advantage of by Baltar was really the first stepping stone in turning Gaeta from bright-eyed, intelligent young idealist to what he is in this season; he’s always wanted to do the right thing and puts his faith in the wrong men to horrible ends. Baltar who he so admired turned out to be a fraud and a coward and led their people into another genocide, Gaeta’s efforts behind the scenes during New Caprica were never really rewarded and instead led to him nearly being tossed out an airlock by multiple cylons (and Starbuck who got violent with him). Then his leg, then Earth, and then Dee’s suicide, which I honestly think is an overlooked factor here. Dee and Gaeta had both been serving on Galactica since the start, worked close by each other the whole time and were friends, and he was the last to see her before she died, as well as one of the first to find her body. I think the biggest thing motivating him when it comes to his beliefs is the president taking a backseat and Adama using sketchy executive leaps to let the cylons have access to their tech feels like it’ll lead to a repeat of New Caprica, something he still harbors a lot of guilt for. I think he’d do anything to prevent being complicit in that happening again, even if he’s making the same mistake by trusting Zarek and knows he’s crossed a line. Something really clever about this arc is that the cylons getting a hold of their computers is exactly what Gaeta managed to prevent from happening in season 1, and saved the Galactica by doing so. It’s one of few moments in the series where he gets some recognition for his talents and loyalty. As painful as this arc is, I really appreciate the character writing. Anyway, sorry this comment got so long! Thanks for another great reaction


Team Gaeta kills one person, with grief. Rob: They're the bad guys. Starbuck kills people, no remorse. Rob: Yeah, kill them all!