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he started out fine but after he started losing ppl he just couldn't deal anymore

Angelina Sargent

So I was excited to watch this episode cause on all my rewatches since the show aired I literally always skipped this one after beth died... and I'm so glad I didn't this time. I have never caught the sick fucking things they showed in this episode or the first time we hear about "wolves not far"... you guys are so good at noticing small details that not even I picked up during my first watch through. The news report that tyreese was hearing seems like an explanation of what happened at Noah's community to me and what the "wolves" might be capable of. The next episode is the start of the new chapter if not the one after it. I know alot of people say that the show went down hill but I honestly don't think you guys will experience that honestly. I think you guys really pay attention to the story enough and your discussions after make you enjoy the story so much more. Especially when I hear it from you guys, I enjoy the series all over again. I just finished the 3rd to last episode of the series and its still fucking amazing. And they did such a good job I think we already passed the point where alot of people feel like the show went downhill and you guys still thoroughly enjoy it. I'm so excited for tomorrow night! And it's my birthday so I'm super stoked.


Beth’s actress didn’t want to leave. I just looked it up to make sure. That’s when she focused more on music

Joshua Fields

Tyreese just wasn't meant for this world


This is one of the worst character death what a wasteful potential. you need to go back and read that sign though


The Voice at 26 minutes on the radio is Rick ( Andrew Lincoln ) speaking without an accent


There's an alternate universe afterlife of walking dead singers 🤣 check out T-Dogs afterlife career: https://youtu.be/fxIAJ6JczPc


I think they killed Tyreese this episode is because his comic death was Herschel’s death in the show. He kinda outlived his usefulness in the show as the nice friendly giant.


This episode is one of the saddest to watch in my opinion. I loved Tyrese! He was so sweet.

Susan Sitzmann

I usually skip this episode as well. But realized there are some little foreshadowing nuggets sprinkled in it. I agree, I LOVED seasons 6-9. And 10 is good too. Many people hate the latter seasons. I really hope Rob and Trin keep loving it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


I think this is one of my favourite episodes of The Walking Dead. I'm never happy to see cast members go, but I suspect the back-to-back departure of Beth and Tyreese speaks to the headspace that the writers wanted both the audience and our protagonists to be in leading into Season 5B. In many ways, I also think this episode, in particular, is the definitive end to a particular era of The Walking Dead, being S3A-S5A. The returning characters, the symbolism, the foreboding atmosphere... it has a sense of finality to it that I can't say about too many other episodes of this show. Again, I wish Tyreese was around for the next two seasons, but even still, this episode remains something special and one that I've come to love more and more on repeated viewings. What a beautiful death to an amazing, (imo) underutilised character.

Danny Jasper

As said, Emily Mckinney did not want to leave the show, she was just written out. Might have been mentioned, but the voice on the radio was Andrew Lincoln himself :)


There is an eerie foreshadow in this episode. I completely forgot about it.


As much as I liked Tyrese, he wasn't made for this world and I wasn't as sad to see him go. I liked his character in the comics far more than I did on the show. That seems to be the norm for me because most of the characters I love in the show, I didn't care for as much in the comics and vice versa. I loved Andrea in the comics but I couldn't stand her in the show whereas I hated Carol in the comics but have always loved her in the show. I know most people would like all of the characters to go out as bad asses but that's just not realistic and that's what I like about this show. One slip up can be the difference between life and death.