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The Walking Dead 01x03 Tell It to the Frogs FULL REACTION


Amy Fender

Seeing Shane beat the ever-lovin' crap out of Ed gave me an immense amount of pleasure , especially since I lived through many years of getting my ass kicked by the man that I had loved and one point so verymuch and had married. I appreciate so much the fact that y'all felt concerned for Carol and understood that even though her husband was evil that she was extremely emotional. Here's my opinion on it and a little bit of what I lived through ......when people intervene and then go their own way you are stuck dealing with the Wrath of your abusive husband. Even if you're planning to leave, that takes time, especially with the child or children. Many many times that abuser is more than willing to kill you if you try to leave and take the children. My husband made sure that I knew that he would kill me and I knew he meant every word of it . He almost killed me anyway but had I left without being fully prepared with our children I wouldn't have made it more than a few hours or days before it would have been over with and I know that for sure . I wasn't leaving without my children. I would have died first. But it took a long time and a lot of planning to be able to get away and survive the ordeal. He never put hands on my children but that doesn't matter because they suffered greatly due to what was done to me. I tried to hide it of course but children are extremely smart and they feel the vibe in the house all the time. Anyway, when someone intervenes then there is a price to pay for that and the wife pays that price heavily I can assure you. I didn't have the luxury of a walker coming up and eating his face off although that would have been beautiful. My love died the second time he punched me in the face. The first time I was so shocked and mine's blown that I couldn't even process my feelings. The second time killed every bit of love I had ever had for him instantly and I am grateful for that. As sick as it is I related to Carol running to his side because if she could lessen the blow so the speak then it would lessen the payment she had to pay later when he took his anger out on her. It's a very sick dance that you play with the abuser until you can get out. The question of "why doesn't she just leave?" is said so flippantly by people who have no idea that most of the time just leaving is not an option. The women that just leave very often die and me dying is one thing but me leaving my children without a mother and possibly in the hands of their father was not even an option for me or them so I had to stay long enough to be able to survive and we did. I got out and I got my children to safety while they were still very young and then I proceeded to raise five very young children alone. Well not alone,. God got us through it. My ex wasn't an abuser in the beginning. Well he was, he just kept it under control until he knew that he could get away with it. He was extraordinarily strong and did not care about consequences so he was very dangerous. Women who are able to get out of those situations aren't weak. They're strong as hell and I admire everyone that's able to get away. Sorry for my rant. This episode just really affected me greatly. And now I'm watching your total reaction. I joined your patreon a little while back and started with where you were currently even though I had watched all of your reactions on YouTube. They were the short and ones though so now since I'm caught up with y'all and current I'm going back and watching from episode 1 to see the extended reactions. I just love y'all and I appreciate all the time and effort you put in to record these and your opinions and thoughts on each episode. I promise this is the only time I'll Ever Write a comment this ridiculously long for y'all:-)

Take a Ticket

So glad you managed to get through it all and are now able to raise your children in a healthy environment. Carol is awesome and yeah you can just feel that she is gonna pay for what Shane did. Was still very satisfying to watch him get Shaned 🥰


first appearance of my man daryl who i would def be in a real apocalypse