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The Walking Dead 01x01 Days Gone Bye FULL REACTION


Reverend Jim Jones

I finally subscribed on Patreon. Gonna watch every full episode now. I hope you guys like it so much that you watch it again in the future on your own time. It's really strange seeing the characters this far back knowing what they go through and how they changed.


So, just finished season 11 with you guys. But I joined patron later on…. So, I will start season 1, episode 1 with you guys!!! I’m so excited… 🥳🥳 don’t take too long on the rest of the WD universe 🤪

Carlos Gomez

I've watched yalls reaction to the finally of this series and loved it , as all the reactions yall have done of TWD. Can't wait till yall explore TWD universe. As for me I'm going back with yall to the very beginning, and rewatching again. Love yall two.

Lucas V

Guess we're restarting here again. Was fun rewatching the pilot with you guys... again :D

Lucas V

Great title pun during the first five minutes of the ep too btw :P


alright let's get this party started again >:)


Hell yes!!!!!! So hyped ;)

Joshua Fields

So excited!! This is up there with LOST for me! Character-driven. Title of the show even refers more to the people than it does the zombies.

Michael Harrop

Shit fucking christ on a bike!!!!

Michael Harrop

By which I mean I'm beyond excited, I was actually looking for a reason to rewatch. Some of the best written character piece dramas of all time, get ready to cry buckets my man


Am all about this! Looking forward to seeing you react to this show :) as you know zombies are my bread and butter haha


re: the theme tune, music - This is Bear McCreary - probably the best musician doing TV soundtracks. He did the soundtrack for another great show I hope you'll be watching at some point! If there's ever a poll I'll be sure to submit it. He's incredible.

Mel Ireland Lostie

Is it scary? LOL Damn I am such a wuss; but if it's not horror then I might watch along. Thanks.


My wife was terrified in first ep or two of zombies, by about ep 4-5 she was completely desensitized, you'll be alright if you stick it a while. You get used to it.


It depends what you consider to be horror. It's more action imo.


It's mainly make-up with some CG used in rarer cases btw

Mel Ireland Lostie

Thanks for replies all. I consider stuff like Fri 13th or Halloween to be Horror; or stuff like Paranormal or the Saw movies, so if it is nothing like those then I will give it a try and see. Cheers.

Michael Harrop

I came to your channel mid Lost so I dunno if this is something that has been discussed already. Or if its something that you don't want to address which is also fine. I was just wondering what you and Trins relationship is how you met and why she isn't on screen? Again if this is personal stuff you'd rather not address totally fine, I'm getting invested in the channel and was just curious the backstory Xxxx

Take a Ticket

We are really good friends who met over our shared love of games and movies etc. She lives in France and I live in the U.K. The reason she does not come on camera is a combination of things right now. Her PC is a potato and can't seem to record video very well (we tried it early on and the movie we did was horrible and we threw it out). She is quite shy also but having her there to discuss stuff really adds to the episode thoughts and chats at the end. When I record solo It is more bland imo lol

Joshua Fields

In this universe, they don't know what zombies are. No sort of zombie literature/film exists.

Take a Ticket

I think you will be fine xD but yeah everyone has different levels of stress with this kind of thing. It was a really good first episode though so I hope you can enjoy it <3

Michael Harrop

Oh absolutely whatever works for you guys recording wise to get you both there is the right call. You're a good Combo!

Michael Harrop

Fun fact both Andrew Lincoln who plays Rick and Lennie James who plays Morgan in this episode are both Brits playing American.


In fact, that's the universal rule of zombie fiction :D you can count the amount of zombie fiction that refers to them as zombies on one hand.

J Scott Page

That line reminds me of something Deb from the show Dexter would say.

Take a Ticket

Can't wait to watch it one day, it gets so many recommendations! It will have its day though am sure of it.

Mel Ireland Lostie

I thought it was okay. The zombies didn't bother me as much as I thought they would. I was quite tense during the hospital scene; but once I got over that I was able to settle. I found it a bit confusing regarding the timeline; we don't know how long he was in hospital; or did I miss that? I am assuming that he got shot and then this zombie thing happened while he was out of it in the hospital. At least that is what I am guessing. Also confused why he was left untouched in the hospital while everyone else seemed to be dead or "walking dead"..so..yeah it is only first episode so I guess the answers will come later. Really liked the dad and his son. I think I will commit to first 5 episodes and see if I get invested, but all in all I thought it was okay :)

Take a Ticket

Might aswell give it 6 episodes cause its a 6 ep season xD I am glad you made it through and me and Trin could not understand those things either but yeah am sure it will all become known in time :)

Mel Ireland Lostie

oh is it only 6 episodes, ok then will do, I will do season 1 and see if it hooks me. Gonna binge watch it 2moro and saturday so that I get ahead of you and Trin and then I can rewatch the reactions. That's dedication LOL

Mel Ireland Lostie

Hey Lemmy, Harold Perrineau is in a new show called "From" have you seen it yet? I think it's available in the U.S, but not the UK yet. I hear it is a mystery box type show. Might be worth a watch.


Ha nope, always up for more mystery boxes. If you've not seen it and don''t mind subtitles (dub is awful) Dark on Netflix I think is the greatest mystery box show ever made, tops Lost which I love it's that good. Quite complicated plot tho

Annie Bonz

What? Are you kidding me? I literally screamed when I saw this!!!!!YESSSSSSSSSS it is right up there with Lost for me too. I might as well adopt you and Trin since that's all I'm gonna be watching ... LOST, Sherlock, Stranger Things and now The Walking Dead. For the love of Pete, Mike, Jesus and Bob Smith, my day was so shitty till this!

Joshua Fields

I'll comment again after having watched the whole thing. This was a great reaction! Super engaging, I think you'll enjoy the ENTIRE show. I always hate when people complain about dips in quality. It's fine. The whole show is fine.

Michael Harrop

A lot of the issues with TWD come from it's slower storytelling which week to week can feel like a drag. But honestly when you binge watch the show it's pretty much good to great it's entire run!

Joshua Fields

There was one season where I finally did start to see and suffer the effects of the drag. I'm sure you can figure out which season that is. However, the next season brought all my happy feelings back.

Mel Ireland Lostie

Already seen Dark it is one of my favourite all time shows. We both have asked Rob to watch it; he said he will; it's on his list :D

Annie Bonz

I think you should start a Q&A post and let us ask y'all questions and then make a video answering the questions. I mean if you have time between all these shows lol


I remember this aired on Halloween when I was in college & I figured eh I'll check it out since I had nothing to do. I've been watching it ever since. I can't believe it's been 12 years!

Take a Ticket

Yeah waiting for this to finish before I started it was totally unreasonable xD But I am watching it now and loved episode 1. Rather the horse lived but otherwise it was a great watch :)


The show is set in and filmed in Georgia, just south of Atlanta. The iconic shots of the highway being shut down and him in the city are amazing, not just for the show, but because to shut down that major highway to film is a miracle in itself. lol. The only time it's ever looked like that again was at the beginning of Covid and a fan went out and took a picture from the same bridge. Very eerie!


A lot of people are missing out on this show due to what they perceive it be. I'm glad you already notice how they are really diving in deep. Sure, there might be jump scares, and plenty of horror to go around, but at the end of the day the saga that is TWD is quite poetic. And it has some of the best performances I've ever seen...which will never be acknowledged by awards shows because of it's horror/sci-fi roots (which are always ignored). You are setting out on quite a long journey here, but for the parts that are gold...it really is worth the effort.

Katie Young

Always impressed as a "southerner" myself how well they nailed the accent w/o coming across as the stereotypical southern redneck accent. Excellent actors as Brits, phenomenal as southern America's aswell 👏🏽

Katie Young

Yes!! I've always told people when I recommend and get the "ugh a show about zombies" that it's 100% about relationships that happen to have a few 😉 zombies/walkers as added conflict. I NEVER tire from TWD. Easily rewatched 20xs (alot of background noise but when you've watched as much as I have I "see" the scene in my head anyway. I've easily watched 30 reactors aswell lol. Clearly my social life in null 🤣 really enjoy and glad I've found Rob & Trin. Can't wait to take the ride with new folks. Love watching others reactions and insight.

Christina Deaver

I always wished Rick would have took it upon himself and put Morgan’s wife down just bc he seen how hard of a time Morgan was having. And I understand that’s not his place and Morgan may have been upset about it but I think he would have understood in the end