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It’s finally time to introduce my fankids! English is not my main language so sorry for the mistakes! I will add more arts later.


Yu Tatsumi (oldest son) 15yo

Birthday: November 25th

Love: Play guitar, his band, music

Hate: School

Favorite color: Black

Yu is the oldest son of the Tatsumi family. He’s not a big fan of school and his grades are not good ether but he doesn’t care very much. The only thing he care is his passion for music, he skips school but never a practice with his band. He love to go against the rules, so he dye is hair blue, got some piercings and make some modifications himself on the school uniform that most of the teachers are really not fan of. He gives a lot of trouble to his parents, that are doing their best to go trough his adolescence. But even if he doesn’t show it really often by his actions, he love them. He also like to upset his little sister for fun.


Noriko Tatsumi (daughter) 13yo

Birthday: April 7th

Love: Cute stuffs, animals, solving mysteries, crafting

Hate: Her older brother

Favorite color: Blue

Noriko is the only daughter of the Tatsumi family. She’s super cheerful and she’s always full of energy. She adore cute things and love to craft outfit and gadget help by her dad. She’s want to become a super famous detective like her mom, but also the cutest detective probably influence by Rise. Her dad make her outfit and her hat that’s she’s wearing almost every day, highly inspired by her mom working outfit. Other kids at school made fun of her because of that outfit but she still keep a positive mindset all the time.


Shingo Tatsumi (youngest son) 8yo

Birthday: May 19th

Love: Space, video game, goodies

Hate: People

Favorite color: Green

Shingo is the youngest of the Tatsumi family. He’s mostly shy and have trouble to make friends in general. He doesn’t like school because he doesn’t like people, and so on he’s often alone but he doesn’t mind. With his maturity even for his age he like solitude and prefer to play video game with his online friends. He still like to studies and he have good grades that make their parents really proud. Since he aspires to become an astronaut he keeps working hard at school and love to use his telescope discreetly during the night. He’s also have a good collections of featherman figures and other goodies related to his favorite franchises.




Noriko influenced by her "auntie" Rise, love that so much