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  • 2019-08-12_17-22-24_1.mp4



 so this would be a good time to release the finished thing at last
we finished this little introductory comic a while ago, finishing with a nice little animation.

(I will be releasing it on hd publicly soon)

so what a nice way to follow on that? Well with a game of course, this was something we had in development for a while, the mechanics and some sketches for the project are in sketch mode still, but we have a preview for the animatic sequence that play as an intro to the main game. (watch the video above)
lots of art have been worked on this and there’s things left to be finished!

more info on this and the main game soon.

EDIT: Video updated, attached an mp4 of the video Aswell :)



2019 08 12 17 22 24 1

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Edit : Video Updated, attached mp4 video aswell :)