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first i would like to apologize about the butchering of the english language that you are about to see, i will try my best to put all of this on understandable terms.

first to get out of the way, our current two comic projects are going well and strong. the "Princess conquest ongoing comic is getting close to it's end, and with it some new exiting ideas, aswell as the prologue for the "DeviantHearts" initiative, page 2 is already done and i will be posting it right after this.

as you can see, all of the scketch roadmap for it is already done (its going to be a short comic of 5 pages)

and now to the meat of the matter. first, as some might already assume, the little interactive project featuring Mandy it's going to be serving as an "appetizer" for what's comming for the next Demo update we are currently working on.

all but 1 still image are done (which is also being worked on right now) and in the mean time we are working on the different animations and interactions  for this little project. 

(sorry about the cruse censorship, Patreon TOS)

Now for the main FHB, some new backgrounds have been finished that are going to take place onto the main game.

Aswell as many refined animations for the sex scenes.

we are also including the Blowjob scene that have been requested so much, into the game, this will feature its own game mechanic.

all of this and some other details like, new tracks for determined scenes, and voice acting are currently being worked on. hopefully later this month we will be able to put everything together and release the new updated demo.

Now for some explaining about what this is taking too much... it's actually complicated, but lets say that it is a vicious cicle between, me, the main producer, not wanting to commit because of frustration, and my teammates not delivering as intended, which would feed into my insecurities...

Just to sum it up, these are some of the things that have contributed to me not making a good enough effort to put everything in motion as i would want to (and if this sounds like an excuse... it is becuase in part it is and it's not, you decide...). im not going to mention names because i dont want anyone to relate their names with any negative trait.

*about half a year after we started the iniitative, me and a programmer, the programmer left the team, because of a better opportunity on his life. leaving the whole administrative and production resposability to me. even though i would be the one with the ideas (and who came up with the idea of FHB) he would easily put my ideas into programming with such ease... i really was very lsot without him for the rest of the year.

*i struggled to find a new capable programmer for another half year, who would work for a reasonable pay. eventually i found one, who's the current one we are working with, and even though he is great at what he does, i keep finding my self getting frustrated with him and his  inhability to understand my ideas, even when im very  very careful at the moment of explaining... regardless, he have been doing an Ok job.

*a friend of mine who i contracted as a support artist for animations and miscellaneous drawings, left the team to get a formal job in order to get health insurance, i don't judge her, but damn, she was perhaps the most valuable artist i ever had, considering the fact that she would be quick and overall a great artist... i really miss her as an asset to our team, and im looking foward to employing her with a higher payment sometime in the neat future.

*our third artist who's is currently working on one of our comic projects would just underperform so constantly that i would only consider paying hm in full  because of petty. his life was and still is very troublesome, with familiar shenanigans and a couple of very sick relatives... i sometimes struggle to believe he's making his best attempt to deliver... but im jsut unimpressed with his performance, and that has been the standard for the last year working with him.

*the Tumblr thing happend, i used to treat our blog as our main page for the project, and this would leave us incommunicated with most of our fanbase... but also summed to that, our facebook page with 10k+ followers got deleted becuae the administrator that i employed would upload uncensored porn to it, and we didn't had any way to recuperate it...

*our Fourth artist would share a similar faith to our 3rd one, bad timening in his personal life + inability for meet deadlines and all of that... even though i gave him the freedom to develop his own passion project with us. these are some of the materials that we never before released, aswell as some animations done to it. we even developed game mechanics for what would have been this game (a memory card came featuring a magical girl stripping her clothes off), i was so enthusiastic about this initiative, but my enthusiasm would just fade away after weeks after weeks of no development. eventually i would just request him miscellaneous drawings to fill in the stop that artist No2 left... and that's how the "froggirl" interactive thingy came to be, he's currently paying up a small debt to me with some art, and that's the art for the Mandy interactive project we are developing right now.

here, you can see the mechanics for the game being worked on by our programmer (it might look crude since then we haven't added any actual design to it, and all the materials here were used as placeholders for the final designs and animations that were to provided by our artist )

* and lastly, if you have not noticed, i have to mention our main artist, the guy who make the art for most of our stuff... he would just refuse to work, or work when ever he would please... and it is quite a dilemma because he's also my best friend and roommate, and even though he have promised to put out more work and stuff... sometimes i just dont feel like requesting anything...

all of these are some of the reasons why i have lost a good part of my enthusiasm with the project... not like i want to pull the plug or anything... but i need to ding a way to reignite my passion... i have given ultimatums to some of the artists i've mentioned, hoping for changes to happen sometime soon... but if this keeps going on, i might have to redirect some of those funds to our most productive artists (like i said, perhaps trying to reintegrate artist 2 back into), another good example of a great addition to the team that i would love show more appreciation is to our newest addition to the team, LeRoach (The guy who have been making the "PrincessConquest" comic), since he have been so resourceful and overall a great responsible teammate... only time will tell.
i also want to apologize to our tier 5 supporter since i have failed to deliver their rewards the past 2 months, i have already communicated with each of you, thanks for understanding me...

so... with that out of the way... i will head to bed right after posting some other updates...
and i will resume work right after sleeping, thanks to all

(ah yeah all decensored preview pics attached bellow)






Damn, hope you guys can work this all out. really like all the stuff your making