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 I would also like to invite you test our APK for android, this is the first time we have worked with both standard aspect ratios, 16x10 and 16x9, so this means it should work without any problems on any device :)

Please give it a try and let us know about your experience!

Once again audio controls are disabled, as well as some difficulty settings.


EDIT: we fixed a bug where in some devices some texture will have some weird transparency, this was more notorious on Mei's boobs when the Reward animation plays.



Admiral Dolphin

Sweet a moble version! You guys are on fire! 👍

Suia Loctis

So I have a number of screenshots and notes about this version and its compatibility with the S8+. If you guys would like to PM me, I can share it all with you.


will this game get any "happy endings" like the Kim Possible game?

Suia Loctis

Alright, so you definitely have a couple things fixed between versions, but there are still some things wrong, as well as a couple more issues now

Admiral Dolphin

Found a problem with both versions. They dont save when you exit out of the app


if you guys intend on keeping the slide puzzle minigame, you should probably remove the move limit. 100 is waaay too limiting since it takes 50 at best to get the bottom row finished alone.


taht's one of the features that are going to be on the last build, games is going to be progressively harder each time, 100 then 75 then 50, ;).


It's pretty good, didnt have any problems working the game. Music is nice and voice acting is really good. Only problems I've noticed besides the lack of saving is that I can see my phone apps through characters name plaques and the hide ui button and also it seems to flash back to my normal phone between load screens. All in all i cant wait to see the rest of the game when its finished

Conan omen

Great work on the game! Pretty challenging, with a great payoff. Excellent work with the art, voice acting, and general presentation. This is a nicely put together product, and feels very premium/professional. Two thoughts on areas of improvement: 1. Version 1.04 is not rotation locked on Android. Rotating the screen to portait mode then back to landscape in the menus causes visual glitches. This makes the game unplayable until it is restarted. This did not occur in V1.03. 2. I'd love to see cumshot animations, or at least bonus images including cumshots. Once again, great work! Can't wait to see the next project!!


Still broken on s8+ PepeHands


On my phone it works perfect (minus the already mentioned save problem) I'm just honestly trash at puzzle games.