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Thanks to all of you who support me, you made my life better and thanks to your support I was able to buy a better computer recently....


Gradually I manage to finish what I need, but still some know that my work takes longer and I want to apologize for that, because like most people I have a real life where I go to work and also have a girlfriend and 3 little bunnies.. ..everything needs time and love.....therefore I have less time to create things for you......but now I know how to plan and set things up to slowly catch up and finish everything!

Again, I'm giving you a new poll here to find out what you like more and I want to adjust my schedule accordingly



Wow, really no one wants to see how big and horny, spider gwen will get by the end?


this vote is mainly for me to know what to finish first and in what order to work...otherwise i will do everything


you don't have to worry, I will do everything, I just want to know from time to time what I should focus more on