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  Sofia was bored waiting in the office for her girlfriend to come and have some fun together, but Kira still didn't come and so she decided to start without her "she'll understand for sure!" she said to herself as she stripped down to just her panties and began to rub her pussy.....Kira was about to return to her office but first she had to return their shrinking test device...unfortunately for her the device sparked and she found herself in miniature size "what?!...ohh NO!!..." she was scared and tried to find help but everyone had already gone home "wait!...Sofia is in my office!... she will help me ! !.." Kira ran towards her office and easily slipped under the door due to her tiny size.... she ran across the floor but was blocked by giant pieces of clothing "what are those things doing here?!... uh?! ...is that a giant bra?!!..” she exclaimed as she looked at the massive bra that could hold two giant mountains….she quickly shook the thought away and continued walking past the bra and towards her desk from which she heard a thunderous moan and a wet rubbing sound...."what is she doing?!..." she asked herself as she ran to her huge girlfriend's bare feet "HEY!!... I'm down here!!..can you hear me?!!.” she screamed, but either Sofia didn't hear her or she was too busy with what she was doing and so Kira started climbing on Sofia's giant foot and then all the way up to the top of her knee..."uhh... luckily I go to the uhh.. gym regularly.. ahh..huh.." she breathed deeply...when she finally reached the top and could rest for a while...she wanted to see what Sofia was doing in the distance, but she couldn't see through the strong sunlight shining through the window, so she ran to Sofia's massive thick thigh where she finally understood what was going on.........the massive thigh was shaking as the giant girlfriend masturbated through her wet panties....Kira watched the whole thing blushing....her girlfriend's colossal breasts were bouncing and they rubbed against each other while the right hand rubbed that giant pussy...."if I wasn't so tiny and in danger, I must say it's an amazing sight......but no!.. I have to get her attention!!......HEY!!..Sofia!!!...help!!...I'm here!.." Kira yelled jumping...

"Hmm?! !....what is this?!..." Sofia stopped rubbing her pussy when she felt a faint tingle on her left thigh... she looked and focused on a small black dot that seemed to move and call out to her "it's a little human!?!!" Sofia squealed looking at the tiny human on her thigh "heh!..you look almost like my girlfriend but my girlfriend is so big...even bigger than me..hehe......wait! you are gift from her for me!... right?!!" 

These words scared Kira "nooo!!... it's really me Kira!!... and I need help!.."

  But Sofia didn't hear her, instead she was already imagining in her head the possibilities of what she would do with that little being....a tiny person to my satisfaction! hihih" she laughed and held out her hand to take that tiny person......

To be continued!

-Please also support me at: https://www.deviantart.com/shrinkyx



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