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Animation is done, just waiting on some files to finish things up. Keep an eye out tonight or tomorrow. If anything I'll make a Google Drive  with the video and send to everyone. Thank you for your support and patience!

But lets have that poll now and show what's up for Spooky month 🎃~


Jesse R

Ugh I wish Goku & Vegeta would win this 😩

Jameson Thain

Oh my gosh I would love to see your Pyramid Head 😍


Oof! Tough choices!


Gojou is daddy af tho 🤤


Damn either Micheal Myers or Pyramid Head 🤔

Leon Edward

p-p-pyramid head? 😳 btw can we drop suggestions for future polls? If that's a thing where can we do it? 🤔


There are times I will make a post where ppl may drop in their suggestions. Since this community is getting bigger I'll do one soon before November.


Omg, Silent Hill? With James and Pyramid Head?? YES PLEASE! 🙏