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Torsten Fichtner

Moin Gaz ;) Very good reaction to this intense episode. Glad you managed not to cry like other reactors did. Funny thing you had the same name like 2 brothers ( reactors ) about this Terminator T-1000 stuff coming out of Rei's machine. To me the dream sequence in which young Lena slaps Rei and the dud grenade hits Rei's machine is a masterpiece. Also the dream sequence in which Shin starts to remember his brothers face is great. Lena black mailing Annette very great also. Lena turns into an other person in this episode. From now on she has no respect to higher military personal. The sequence Lena running and running showed to me how desperate she tried to get to Shin and his group. But on that bridge a heel fell of her shoe and she had to stop. I think she realized Shin and the other 4 are out of reach now, so she started crying. Yelling all her pain out of her body. The most important part in the ending are those 5 birds flying in and into freedom. They are almost in the middle of the picture and symbolize Shin and his group walking into freedom. CYA ^^