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(Update) Thanks to everyone who RSVPed! We're pumped, because we settled on a location. Starting at 7 pm ET on Saturday, April 9, we'll be posted up at The Churchill Tavern at 45 E 28 St. It's a great pub where Dan and I have spent many a happy hour, and we're looking forward to introducing Mary to the spot, along with all of you.

It sounds like we'll be super close to the front door, but in any case, just tell the host that you're looking for Mike Mahardy's group. They should point you in the right direction!


Hi Patrons. If you've listened to Fire Escape #25, then you know the gang will all be in NY together on April 9! And we'd love to get drinks/hang out with any listeners who can make it into Manhattan.

We know it's last-minute, and that many of you won't be able to make it in from New Zealand, Sweden, and basically most of the U.S. on such short notice. But the trip was impromptu on our end as well, and we're planning other Patron rewards for when we're all in the same room! We'll also inevitably do something similar at future PAX shows, when more people are in the same neck of the woods. 

Anywho! We made an event page so we can get an exact number of people who will be attending. It could be 4 of you. It could be 20! Either way, this will make it easier for us to find the right bar (near both Grand Central and Penn Station) and block out the right amount of space. 

Get to it! RSVP here! 



Yooooo, if I missed the RSVP is it kosher to show up? Definitely cool if not - yall have a great time.


That was very nice! Thank you for inviting us all!