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Rogues has been dragging in production a bit, and a big part of that is bringing in outside talent. Now, the female VAs of Rogues have all been a delight - keeping contact, asking questions, keeping on top of things.

The male VAs I've brought in... have not.

So HERE is my question: How sick are you of hearing just me? Because I feel like I still have a few more voices in the tank, so if you're not sick of me, I'm thinking I may just stop seeking outside male VAs in order to... expedite the process.

If you don't mind waiting, then I'll stick to the original plans, but if you're getting antsy, I may just start filling in more. Amazingly enough, I STILL have unused voices.

So, what're we thinking here?



I don't mind waiting at all if I get to hear your amazing voices and work at the end. Creating takes time, especially when you want to keep a certain quality. And since your voice combined with the wonderful writing was the reason I started listening to "Rogue", I would love to hear more of it.


You do not annoy me, and if your outside sources are unreliable...