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Performed by Edward Nygma

I meant to have more done by now, but I've not been having a stellar October. I'll try to see what I can get done in time for Hallowe'en.

Note: This recording was word for word with the original story, so some of the language will be out of date. Just... please bear that in mind while listening.

Happy Hallowe'en, y'all.



I saved this to enjoy on a road trip. (I was thinking of saving it specifically for a night drive for the Ambiance but I wanted to listen to it sooner). Loved the rise in desperation from "Let's have a drink," to "Give me that decanter," the realization of the meaning of the sound of wood on brick, and the delivery of that last line was particularly and perfectly chilling -this is wonderful, thank you!


I still revisit the one ❤️ actually using this story for a paper so I have an excuse to listen to this even more