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Okay,  maybe HATE is too strong a word... LOATHE! That's it!

It means I have to have AC running, which means my recording time gets SERIOUSLY hampered. That said, I will be working up a sweat and getting some new recordings posted on here.

I've been having a bit of trouble, though, because I'm in line to access new features on Patreon and sometimes I'm not able to upload things properly, or the format is all out of whack.

I may wait for the green light from Patreonicus, the Demigod of Online Tomfoolery before putting anything else up, unless he takes too long, in which case I'll call FUCK IT and just proceed.

On a similar note, I will be opening up some commission slots on Patreon only, so keep an eye out for THAT! I just have one last commission I need to do PROPERLY and not completely mess up AGAIN (I swear that never happens, I just got too excited)!

So keep an eye out, and keep safe in this heat. Unless you're in Australia or thereabouts, in which case GIVE ME A COOL BREEZE YOU GREEDY BASTARDS!

Codot xx 


deathoftheendless .

Summer sucks. Fall and winter is where it’s at.


Come visit kiwi land and you can be as chilly as you desire, haha