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I posted this on Tumblr, and I'll post it here as well (for anyone who has arrived here from Spotify or doesn't have a Tumblr account)

We've been receiving questions about when Rogues! will be releasing their next episode, and unfortunately the best answer we can give is "soon".

We're in the process of finishing the next season's scripts, and then I will be hitting the booth to record everything at once and then editing and releasing the episodes. It's a different step to the past where we used to write an episode, record it, release it, and then write the next episode.

We're hoping this will streamline things, but nothing is ever perfect.

If this goes as smoothly as we hope, we can schedule episodes for release while working on the NEXT season, but alas, a full-time job limits our creative output.

Please bear with us as we try to get the next season out as quickly as we can (while still making it as epic as we can).

Thank you to the long-time followers and patrons who are used to waiting on us, and to the new followers who are hoping we're as fast as they want us to be.

May we find a happy medium and keep you all entertained.

Love, Dee and Codot xx

Addition: We've also expanded our acting roster, so co-ordinating recording sessions has been added into the mix.



Take all the time y’all need <333


Sounds fabulously chaotic: take all the time needed!