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...and what have we done?

WAYLON is sitting alone, looking up at Gotham Memorial. EDWARD walks up, holding two cups.

EDWARD: I thought I’d find you here. Stalwart sentinel that you are.

WAYLON: Mmhmm.

EDWARD: I brought you a little something to warm the old bones.

WAYLON: It’s too late for coffee.

EDWARD: Debatable, but it’s never too late for hot chocolate.

WAYLON is silent.

EDWARD: I’ll just park it down here beside you. Do with it what you will.

A pause.

EDWARD: Any update on the kid?


EDWARD sighs.

EDWARD: Look. I know we haven’t really spoken since... the restaurant, and all that entailed, but the fact is, I put you in a position that was in no way fair to you, and... I’m sorry for that.

WAYLON: No need to apologize.

EDWARD: No, no there is. I had it all figured out, Waylon. There was a plan. A good plan. If everything had gone just so, it would have all turned out so well. But I didn’t realise that I’d have to break so many edges to make it work. Like... solving a jigsaw puzzle with a hammer. It was a...

WAYLON: Catch-22.

EDWARD: Yes. What?

WAYLON: Well, you’d have to be crazy to do something like what you did, ‘cept you ain’t, cause if you were, you’d’ve never been sent out to do it, but you are, cause you did. Catch-22, like Heller wrote.

EDWARD: Huh. I didn’t think I gave you Catch-22.

WAYLON: You didn’t. Ruby did, after I was finally able to write her a letter.

EDWARD: Ruby...?

WAYLON: Lady friend, we met in the circus. Long time ago.

EDWARD: You never said you had a girlfriend.

WAYLON: I never said I didn’t. You don’t need to know everything, Ed. A little ignorance’d do wonders for you.

EDWARD:I imagine it could, if one were to seek it out.

WAYLON: Thanks for the hot chocolate, and... thanks.

A pause.

EDWARD: I’m sure they’d let you see him if you asked.

WAYLON: They had me in cuffs when I brought him in... doubt they’d be rolling out the red carpet for me.

EDWARD: You’re not serious.

WAYLON: I’m used to it.

EDWARD: Well, I’m going to bring this up with Oswald in our next meeting. I’ll have those officers badges for breakfast, I’ll--

WAYLON: Y’ain’t doin’ any of that. They were doin’ what they thought was right.

EDWARD: Apparently we’re all guilty of that these days.


What were they gonna think, Ed? Killer Croc brings in a... a broken boy... covered in his blood. They don’t know me like you do, Ed.

EDWARD sighs.

EDWARD: But they did even stop to THINK? You’d be the worst criminal in the world if you just kept dropping your victims off at the hospital.

WAYLON: Gordon had me out as soon as I arrived. He told me they’d get a talkin’ to, and there’s no hard feelings. Everyone’s on edge right now, and this ain’t the time of year for fightin’ no more. It’s Christmas… we just gotta let it be.

A pause.

EDWARD: Hey Waylon?


EDWARD: You were never Killer Croc to me.

WAYLON: Thanks Ed.


The sound of a heart monitor is heard, and breathing tubes.

NURSE: I’m sorry, Mr. Todd, but visiting hours were over three hours ago.

JASON: Just a little bit longer?

NURSE: ...Alright.

A moment of silence, JASON’S watch beeps.

JASON: Merry Christmas, Dick.




A proper gift <3


Screaming, crying, throwing up, bleeding out 😭 "you were never killer croc to me" literal tears codot. LITERAL TEARS