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Okay, so I've been a bit busy so I didn't have a chance to... breathe. I still don't, but I want to do these bad boys. That said, I am still in the horrible grasp of retail employment, so I have to limit my Voice Cards this year to TEN.

So what I need is, if you want a card, reply to this post with SNAP and I will message you privately for your details. If I am SOMEHOW blessed with more time, I will expand this, but I don't promise what I can't deliver, so ten is the magic number right now.

So, first ten to SNAP are chosen - aaaaannnnnnddddd.... GO!



Everyone who made the ten have been contacted - if I manage to make decent enough time and get through those ten, I will open this up again! I just don't want to promise too much and not deliver, because that would be poo.


Snap! (even tho I'm late )