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Hail Coconauts!

Beyond ALL belief, the next ROGUES episode is DONE, and will be posted later today.

Why am I telling you this instead of just doing it? Because it looks like Patreon (or more likely, me) has made a mistake and deleted a file.

Episode 15 seems to have disappeared from here, so we have to go through and replace the file, but since you can't reorganize the files, we're taking out episodes 16, 17, and 18 to have them put back in the right order.

I just didn't want to make you all SUPER EXCITED by thinking four ROGUES episodes were going up in one day. 

I apologize ahead of time for all the alerts that will be pinging your way, but just know that at the end of it, there will be a NEW EPISODE!


Codot x



Agahjahahsj what a GREAT way to start my morning !!! Yesss!!!

