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I know my limitations, and one of them is singing like Katey Sagal (or indeed, any woman).

So here! Have this one for free! Sing along! Record it! Send it to me! It'll be FUN!

For anyone who doesn't know, I am a HUGE Futurama nerd, so when I was actually sent a karaoke track, I knew it was MEANT. TO. BE.

(I'm not the first Bender talking, that came with the track and I couldn't remove it without messing things up. All the rest? Pure. West.

..I mean, Coco.)



You're gonna make your own cover, and it's gonna have blackjack and hookers! This is amazing 😂 x


I just lost my dang mind over this. (Alan did too as this and the Bureaucracy number are his faves)