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CRANE: I’m not going in blind. I need to know what I’m up against before I put myself in a vulnerable position. Valentino Farm… I really did not want to set foot here. I’m not a superstitious man, but this place is… evil. I am aware of how ridiculous that sounds, but I don’t know how else to say it, you can… feel death here. Can’t exactly walk in through the front door. Hmmm…

(pulls a knife, jimmies open the window)

CRANE: Damn, it’s dark in here. (flicks on a lighter) Anatomy books next to cookbooks… Well that’s just unsettlin’. Where’s that music coming from?

BOLTON: “Let me go you fuckin’ freak! I’ll make sure you fry for this!”

LUCENZO: “Silencio!”

BOLTON: “Please! Just let me go! I got nothing you want!”

CRANE: Dammit. Locked. No keyhole.  A keypad… Where would I find the code…?


CRANE: Hmmm? Hmm…


CRANE: ...shit… (grabs someone) You think you can get the jump on me? I… oh Jesus... 

IMPERFECT: (whimpering)

CRANE: What the hell… Uhh, subject has suffered severe trauma to his face and… body. Mouth has been... stitched shut. Wearing a patient gown, with a… tag. Imperfection A#23. Did he do this to you?

IMPERFECT: (mmhmm)

CRANE: How do I get past the door? Do you know the code?

IMPERFECT: (mmhmm)

CRANE: I… uhm… I don’t know. Oh.

IMPERFECT: (taps on Jon’s hand) 

CRANE: Two. Four. Seven. Two. 2-4-7-2. I have a window open this way. Let’s get you out of here.

IMPERFECT: (refuses)

CRANE: Trust me, it’ll be… oh… Patient has a collar around the neck, small device attached to the base of the neck. Is this a tracker?


CRANE: I don’t… what… grow? Enlarge? Ex… explode? Oh shit… it’s an explosive. Listen to me, son. One way or another, I’m gonna get you outta here, y’hear? I need to look around some more, but I promise you; I will get you out. Stay down here, I don’t wanna attract attention.

IMPERFECT: (whimpers)

CRANE: Personal note: study the effects of fear on a subject wired to explode. Decide later if real explosive would be necessary. Second floor… several numbered doors… all empty. I imagine these are more useful when the police aren’t sniffing around. Wait… medical monitor… Elderly woman. Notes show… extensive surgeries. Feeding tube… catheter… mouth also stitched shut… How the hell is she still alive….?

WOMAN: (loud muffled yell)

CRANE: Oh Jesus… she’s not sedated. Is she… laughing? What has he done to you?

(stair creaks)

CRANE: Shit… Lucenzo. Where can I… ah!

(hides in closet)

LUCENZO: Cosa c'è che non va, Mama?

WOMAN: *mumbles*

(LUCENZO opens door)

LUCENZO: Non c'è niente lí dentro. Stavi sognando. (sniffs)...libri? (closes door) È ora did dormire, Mama. (flicks needle) Buona notte.”

WOMAN: (mumbles)

(LUCENZO goes back down stairs)

CRANE: That was… too close. I think I’ve seen enough for tonight. I don’t think I can do much else from the shadows. *sighs* logged as Entry: Crane 0-3-8.



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