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CRANE: There have been many messages in regard to my well-being, as of late. While I’m flattered y’all care so much, I’m taking all necessary steps to ensure my safety. As I’ve said before, a lack of fear does not denote a lack of caution. I mean, I don’t fear death – but it would be terribly inconvenient. I’ve cancelled all appointments this week, so as to have some time with Valentino’s magnum opus. I admit, I’m at something of a loss of words. The work is as brilliant as it is barbaric. I’m confused by Lucenzo’s methods – he seeks to accomplish with surgery that which is already possible with medication. The details are… disturbing. Citing reference page 14, paragraph 2 – “the accident was tragic, and has all but taken my family away from me. I do not know if I can save them, but I can cut away their pain. My mother will find only happiness; my brothers will find strength in anger.” (closes the book) 

From what I can discern, only one of four brothers survived the surgery. Pierro Valentino – the eldest brother. I’m unsure of what became of his mother, and there’s no mention of his father. Possibly deceased. I’m beginning to understand my potential role, here – as he seems able to excise everything, except fear. There are many detailed drawings regarding amygdala removals and alterations, but that’s all there are – drawings. The whole thing is just writings and drawings. For all anyone knows, this could all just be in his damn head. I imagine this is why the charges against Lucenzo couldn’t stick. I need to find out if any of this is real, and I need to get to Dr. – (door opens) Hey! What the hell are you doin’?

EDWARD: Crisis, Jonathan – CRISIS. (closes the door)

CRANE: What now?

EDWARD: I was on the police scanner for my nightly entertainment, and I heard this:

BULLOCK: (over the radio) This is Bullock, calling all available cars. We are en route to Arkham Asylum. Suspect is Dr. Jonathan Crane.

CRANE: Shit.

BULLOCK: (over the radio) He is considered armed and dangerous. Repeat: all available cars get to Arkham, right now.

CRANE: Why now?

EDWARD: Well they must have found something – but it’s not important, we have to get you out of here.

CRANE: I can’t just walk out the front door!

EDWARD: No shit, Jon – use the secret entrance!

CRANE: What secret entrance?

EDWARD: You’re kidding me.

CRANE: Do I LOOK like I’m kidding?

EDWARD: The bookshelf? With a 1949 edition of The Great Escape? Ohh. (pulls the book; secret entrance opens) Arkham had it built after the 2007 riots so as not to get another wrinkle in his suit I imagine. Now GO. GET OUT. When you get down the stairs, uh… just follow my signs.

CRANE: Thank you, Edward.

EDWARD: Get this solved. THEN, you can thank me. (closes the secret door behind CRANE)

BULLOCK: (behind the door) The hell are YOU doin’ in here?

EDWARD: (behind the door) I think – I’m sleepwalking. No one wake me. 



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