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CRANE: Alright, now you gonna keep quiet while I’m workin’?

(IKKY caws)

CRANE: (chuckles) I’mma hold you to that. (knock at the door) Come on in.

(door opens)

LUCENZO: Dottore. 

CRANE: Lucenzo – a pleasure. Damn, you are a big man. It’s not very often I have to look up at folk.

LUCENZO: (chuckle) Si, the Valentinos, we are – we are known for our height. And our meat.

CRANE: I beg pardon?

LUCENZO: Scusi, dottore – mi padre, he was a… macellaio, uh…

CRANE: Oh, a butcher!

LUCENZO: Si. A butcher.

CRANE: (chuckles) Um, you may wanna reword that, in future. 

LUCENZO: Por que? 

CRANE: (pause) Have a seat. 

LUCENZO: Grazie. (sits)

CRANE: Now it says here you were referred by a Dr. Johannes. Is this correct?


CRANE: I’ve read some of Karl’s work – he’s a rather brilliant psychiatrist. I don’t know what I could offer that he couldn’t. 

LUCENZO: Dottore Johannes, he… he lack vision. I tried to explain to him what I do, and he – he does not see. 

CRANE: And what do you do?

LUCENZO: Uhh, today… I do not wish to say.

CRANE: Fair enough. I saw you’re a professor at Gotham City University as well. Professor of Surgery, if I’m not mistaken. 


CRANE: You don’t mind me asking, why teach? You’ve studied for years; graduated top of your class. I can’t imagine you’d have a problem with the sight of blood, with your father being a butcher and all.

LUCENZO: But that was the problema. I have the mind of a chirurgo, but the hands of a, as you say, butcher.

CRANE: Mm. I could see how that would keep you out of surgery. 

LUCENZO: Si. Professional.

CRANE: I’m afraid I don’t follow.

LUCENZO: We all have our uhh, passatempo, our hobbies. Don’t we, dottore? Perhaps someday, we share, uh?

CRANE: Perhaps. If I – share your vision? As you say.

LUCENZO: (chuckles) Now, I am sorry – but I must leave.

CRANE: Well, we were really just getting started. 

LUCENZO: Si, this I know. I will see you next week, yes?

CRANE: Uh, alright then – I suppose so. 

LUCENZO: Bene. Grazie, dottore. 

CRANE: Uh, prego. (small laugh) But, uh – I have one more thing before you go.

LUCENZO: Si. Prontamente. 

CRANE: Who’s Professor Pyg?


CRANE: Lucenzo?

LUCENZO: Hm? (speaks in Italian, leaves and close the door)

CRANE: Well, that wasn’t strange at all.

(IKKY caws) 

CRANE: Logged as Entry: Crane 031.



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