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CRANE: The mind is a very complex place. And to expect all creatures to share the exact same reaction to the exact same stimuli, is incredibly dangerous and ignorant. Today, we will discuss the effects of fear toxin on varying mental states in the psychological sense, as opposed to the specific chemical reactions involved with each state. Nine times out of ten, the reaction to FT will be similar, if not the exact same – panic, shortness of breath, the increased heartrate – please refer to Entry: Crane 024 for more detailed chemical analysis of FT and its effects. Now, the one out of ten – that is the unpredictable element. Specifically, we will cover dissociation alone in this entry, with a continuation involving the autism spectrum on a later date. 

Dissociation as the same states is detachment from one’s surroundings, often resulting in an altered reality within one’s own mind. While there’s no exact cause set in stone, the most widely held belief is that stress, trauma, and psychoactive substances are often the cause of dissociation. Given those factors, I am led to believe that more often than not, FT has been or could be considered a cause of dissociation, rather than a weapon to be used against someone with it. The reaction to FT with dissociation is often… unsatisfying. More often than not, there is no noticeable change. The fear is immediately repressed into the subconscious; I have no doubt this will become an issue later, perhaps during REM sleep, but given the time frame in which I need it to work, this is completely useless to me. Note: test the effects of Fear Toxin on a subject during REM sleep. 

Now at this point, this is a leading theory and cannot be taken as fact; more testing is required. To date, I have only had one known encounter involving FT and dissociation, and the subject involved is not what one would call – normal. (sigh) I feel if I were not to elucidate, our Edward Nygma would take it upon himself to give you every lurid detail; I will not allow him this indulgence. 

As mentioned earlier, the mind is incredibly complex, and I would venture so far as to say that I have seen no mind as complex as Mr. Harvey Dent. After suffering childhood trauma, Mr. Dent would eventually be diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Two equally strong personas presented themselves: Harvey and Harv. Note: locate patient interview Dent, Harvey, in Dr. Hugo Strange’s archive. Now, this is hardly anything new. With a name like Two-Face, a layman would make the logical leap that Harvey’s two people; however, the effect of FT on Harvey Dent is known only to me and unfortunately, Mr. Nygma. 

I will spare the specifics. Suffice it to say, Edward and I in our younger days were tasked with pressuring the young District Attorney into allowing some of the more – uncouth goings-on in Gotham City to continue. When Dent refused, I was to ‘introduce’ him to a world of fear whilst Edward hacked the security systems to prevent any form of escape from Mr. Dent. When FT was utilized, Harvey reacted as one would expect. He cowered, he begged… and then, he disappeared. And that was when we met Harv. Now Harv has no fear, he has only anger. There was no Harvey to keep order, so Edward and I were locked in with chaos. Now, forgive my Southern phrasing, but Edward and I got a whoopin’ that day we won’t soon forget. ‘Course being the one that gassed Dent, I got it far worse than Edward but, we both limped home with more than a few fractures that night. 

At any rate, I have been hesitant to request further testing with Mr. Dent – we’re amenable at present and that’s about as close as you get to being friends. I don’t plan on ruining that. 

Logged as Entry: Crane 027.



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