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CRANE: A little too quiet, for my liking. Hello? Hello! (bullet ricochets)

HARVEY: One more step and we’ll snuff ya, Hayseed.

CRANE: Evenin’, Harvey.

HARVEY: We said that’s far enough.

CRANE: I’m not here for a fight.

HARVEY: Or you weren’t expecting one. A lot of people winding up in the dirt these days, Crane – and you ain’t lookin’ too clean to us.

CRANE: So what – you’re just going to put me down, too?

HARVEY: Maybe. Up to the coin. (flips coin) Must be your lucky day. Get talkin’.

CRANE: Someone’s been targeting rogues.

HARVEY: No shit.

CRANE: Smart ones. Like they’re trying to lower the Rogue’s collective IQ.

HARVEY: Or find the highest one.

CRANE: Come again? 

HARVEY: We’re sayin’ maybe the brains weren’t as brainy as they thought they were. Maybe the one who’s doin’ this is lookin’ for the cream of the crop. Top of the food chain.

CRANE: But to what end? 

HARVEY: Maybe they’re formin’ a chess club. Startin’ with Riddleboy.

CRANE: Trying to find someone smarter than the Riddler. 

HARVEY: Or less annoying. 

CRANE: But who would do this? Elliot’s dead, Strange is in lockup. 

HARVEY: Strange didn’t plug Elliot.

CRANE: You sound pretty sure of that.

HARVEY: Evidence. Strange can’t hold a gun in his left hand – he can barely hold a pen.

CRANE: And why’s that?

HARVEY: Because we broke it when he tried to take our coin. Fingers like a crushed spider.

CRANE: Well who does that leave?

HARVEY: Fries. Tetch. You.

CRANE: Tetch doesn’t have the guts. Fries – well, if it ain’t about Nora, he don’t care. 

HARVEY: So this is why you called us here? To gossip?

CRANE: I didn’t call you here.

HARVEY: Bullshit. We heard you.


HARVEY: Shit! 

CRANE: It’s Karlo again!

HARVEY: You think you’re the first person to try to whack us in a courtroom, Karlo?! Come out where we can see you!

CRANE: Surprised you didn’t clear this with your coin.

HARVEY: Self-preservation’s something we both agree on. 

CRANE: Woulda been safer if you’d stayed in custody.

HARVEY: We were never in custody.

CRANE: I heard you on the tapes.

HARVEY: Is your head full of straw or somethin’? Why the hell would we place ourselves in GCPD custody? 

(explosion; alarm bells ring)

CRANE: To get inside the GCPD.

HARVEY: The hell was that?

CRANE: We need to get outta here, Dent. Both of us. 

HARVEY: Karlo’s blocking the front entrance. He’ll keep his eye on us; you go out the back.

CRANE: But the police!

HARVEY: Means nothing to a lawyer. Now go! Get outta here!

CRANE: Shit. The riddle. Where would – the scales. 

HARVEY: The hell are you doin’, Crane? Go!

CRANE: I just have to – okay. I’m gone. Thank you, Harvey.

HARVEY: Yeah, yeah.

COP: GCPD! Get down! Hands where we can see ‘em!



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