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(creaking floorboards as he walks)

CRANE: Anybody home? Hello? If you’re trying to intimidate me, you will have to try much, much harder than that. You there. No sudden movements, now. We need to have a few words. I think it’s time to shed a little light on our subject. 

(light clicks on)

CRANE: Oh, no – oh no. Bookworm. (sighs) The books are here. So is the next riddle. I’ll bring it back to my office and – (locking mechanisms slam shut)

???: I’m sorry, Dr. Crane. But that isn’t going to happen. You and your… groupies have done well so far, but you’re becoming a thorn in my side. And like all thorns, you must be removed. Sarin gas is slowly being introduced into this room. With its current dispersion rate, your lungs will begin to paralyse within one hour. That is, if the neurological damage doesn’t kill you first. On the door, is a four-digit lock. If you can figure out the code, you will go free - and the next riddle will be yours to solve. If not, the riddle will go to the bereaved. Time to run, little Crane. The Horseman comes for you, now. 

(sound of buttons being pressed)

CRANE: I would like to believe that he is bluffing, but it’s a risk I can’t take. I’m – open to any suggestions.

The fourth riddle:

```"Lucifer's downfall,

Frankenstein's joke,

Faustus' deal,

Bellerophon's Yoke."



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