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Something is wrong here. Very troubling. Has anyone noticed that Edward Nygma’s latest posts are a little… on the nose? The man has an acerbic personality at the best of times, but there is something amiss, namely in the matters of the gray. 

To be frank, if his brains were dynamite, he couldn’t blow his nose.

That’s Karlo – it has to be, but we need to hear it from the horse’s mouth. I suggest someone… poke the bear a little. Karlo’s notorious for his, and I use the term loosely, actor’s temper. So try to rile him up.

I would confront him personally, but if he flees, I won’t be able to find out what’s going on. Please understand, the life of Edward Nygma is of no concern to me, but if rogues have started turning against rogues, this could be the beginning of something bad.

There must be order, even in chaos.





I never realized how cold he used to sound, compared to how lively he is now.