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TRS - Casefile #0121: Gemini

EDWARD: Well. It would seem I have been put in a rather difficult predicament. As you no doubt heard from the security footage LexCorp was good enough to allow me to hack from their database. While I was free to leave Metropolis General, there are now armoured guards surrounding my abode. I wouldn't be surprised if my phone was bugged, too. A house arrest of the highest order. It would seem Lex Luthor has won. (laughs) Oh, I'm sorry, I couldn't even keep a straight face. Oh, Lex. Lex, Lex, Lex, you should have left me dead - because no one gets into my head and expects me to let them out. A plan is afoot. It's not as polished as I should like, but I'm on a bit of a deadline, so riddle me this: when is a Riddler not a Riddler? 

EDWARD AND CLAYFACE: When there are two Riddlers.

EDWARD: Karlo, you look every bit the man.

CLAYFACE: If only I could get the voice right.

EDWARD: No matter; you need only look the role, my malleable man. I'm sure some are wondering why I would openly declare my plan like this, but I've recently discovered the joy of queuing. Speed is key, sure, but one must still entertain the masses, so if all goes as planned, this exchange happened yesterday, and I'm already away to Phase Two.

CLAYFACE: I always thought Act Two sounded better.

EDWARD Of course you did. Now remember: when I come back, you make yourself scarce. Your role is too important to flub. 

CLAYFACE Basil Karlo NEVER flubs a line! I was just hoping for a better leading man.

EDWARD: When I'm done, you're going to be filling the role of a lifetime. And who better for the limelight than the world's greatest actor?

CLAYFACE: Very convincing, Nygma. It's a deal. 

EDWARD: Excellent. Now excuse me, listeners, I'm off to see a man about a tumour.



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