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TRS - Casefile #0094

EDWARD: Anonymous asks: What was your first kiss like?

Hmm. Shall I? Maybe if I - No. No, I don't think I'm going to answer this one. There's just too many ways to twist it. Honestly, I prefer an actual challenge. This wouldn't be shooting fish in a barrel, it would be throwing a stick of dynamite into a goldfish bowl. I suppose I could use this time to educate you. As long as you're hanging around the internet you might as well improve your minds, eh? But, that would disrupt my process of my little 'riddle experiments', and frankly, I have better things to do. Therefore children, today's class will be in recess. Turn off the computer, go outside, get in a fight, run an errand, accomplish something. Maybe if you get some exercise or spend some time in the sun, the day can be salvaged. (muttering) First kiss, honestly...



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