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Hey guys, first off I'd like to apologize on not updating as often as I should. Things have been extremely difficult. No water, no electricity, no ATM and no internet. I managed to connect by going to the city so I can charge my devices. It's been 3 weeks since the super typhoon devastated my island and I still feel like I'm stuck on December 16th. My finger got badly infected due to cleaning up debris but it's feeling a bit better. Despite me not being able to post as much as I could I just want to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for continuing to support me despite me not being able to post rewards. As soon as things get better, I'll be able to start drawing again. I love you guys. I'll keep updating you as often as I can. Cheers!


Kenneth Harris

Stay safe! Life first, we'll be here

Timothy Gray

Hope things get better soon Phil, hang in there!

Pierfranco Saleri

Take care of yourself and your family!

Luis Antonio Villagómez

Take care of yourself! Hope everything gets better for you and your family

Stale Moves Mcgee

Stay safe and take care of yourself and your family, we will be here whenever you get back, don’t worry

Mr. Zayler

You do not have to apologize! Hope things get better soon <3

Sheldon Venter

I glad my patreon contribution can help you out just a tiny bit. Im really sorry to hear about the issues you have been having. We love you and just want you to stay safe. I hope things get back to normal for you soon.


We’ll be here, take care of yourself


Oh man. I’m glad to hear your at least ok. Anything we can do to help?


I hope everything gets better for you man! Be safe!