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The studio build is going well! Because of your guys' help, We managed to get the steel deck and it's now being installed on the roof!

Cement has been applied to the topmost beams yesterday which took them about 6 hours to do. Juri said they needed to apply the cement non stop otherwise it won't cure properly. We didn't have a cement mixer to churn out the amount needed so the best course of action was to hire more manpower to mix the cement manually and haul it up to where it needs to go.

They've also started putting up the bricks and a wall is slowly taking shape. They haven't broken down the old place where i stayed at since they're using it to support the beams uptop. As soon as the cement cures, they're gonna start destroying what's left of my old home.

There's still a lot of work that needs doing, but i just want you guys to see how things are going. 

I can't thank you guys enough for the help. I'll update you as the weeks roll on. :)

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


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