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Things are going well! Teddy and Juri has been hard at work building the studio. The hardest part is almost over which is creating the foundations. This is the most expensive part of the studio because we needed to create it out of concrete and steel. Which is safer that just stacked hollow blocks where i previously housed myself in.

Here's a picture of 64 year old teddy lookin dapper. building the mold for the pillars.

A little bit of sad news. Wang-Wang, the 3rd carpenter suddenly stopped coming in to work. Juri said he had some trouble at home and ran away. No one knows where he is now and i just hope he's alright. It's just one of those things that happen in the Philippines i suppose. I'll update you guys on how he is if i ever do hear from him again. For now he's being replaced by Fan-Fan. Juri adopted him after his parents up and left. Juri's not putting him through a lot of work, just cleaning the debris here and there. Fan-Fan insisted he work on the house and my mom  puts him to work by having him water the plants and washing the dishes. He gets paid so it makes him happy.

Fan-Fan took this photo of the second floor while he was up there. It's looking well and hopefully once next month's patreon money rolls in, we will be able to buy some steel  deck and apply concrete and finally have some solid foundation.

The studio is going to be underneath a big acacia tree my dad bought as a bonsai  for 200 pesos a long time ago. The pot it grew up in broke and it just grew!

I feel very sad knowing that we're going to have to trim a few branches to accommodate the second floor but sacrifices must be made. Sorry tree.

So there you have this week's update! It's been raining incredibly hard so Juri and Teddy are taking a day off and saturday is payday. Juri said he's off to buy some meat and vegetables for his family. I think Teddy is gonna go out and have a good time.

They both deserve it.



Here in my city is also raining very hard. Hope you all are ok


The weather has been crazy all over the world lately. Thank you twomau. :)


The progress is looking good! Just think of trimming the tree like its a really big bonsai now.