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Things are going great, This weekend was moving day so i spend the entire part of it getting all the stuff out and discovered something. I was living with black mold.  ( ゜─゜)

The tree has been slowly splitting my room open and rain water has constantly seeped in.

As soon as the covid situation where i live  becomes better i'll go get a check up just to be sure. I think you guys literally saved me. I heard black mold is something to take seriously.

 Light at last!.

It's bittersweet that the place where i was creating art for a while is getting demolished, but i think it was for my own good. Hopefully i'll have a space where light can come in. I'll definitely add some windows to my room after this.

These are the tiles i got when i initially built this place. I didn't have a lot of money so i had to go to a place where they sell rejected tiles for  really cheap. It would be nice to finally have matching tiles for once. 

Because of all your support, i managed to get another carpenter. His name is Wang-wang (Weird name i know, but it's a common filipino nick name) :D He's not as experienced as Teddy or Juri, but he's a good kid. He usually runs errands for them. helped demolish my space as well.

It's coming along really well. :) I'll update you guys on how things are going. 

Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for saving my life.



hey Phil im glad that things are getting better, and they will keep getting better and better, you are a warrior and a great artist, love you man, keep it up


Is Teddy and Juri still working on it and now wang wang to or are they no longer on the project

Jordan Weston

So great to see Phil ☺️☺️. I’m very happy for you


so very happy for ya hun and so awesome that you got a safer better place to live ^^. yes black mold *can* be dangerous though that variant is pretty rare from my understanding. the dangerous molds are the types that produce mycotoxins which *can* but do not always result in critical issues. the most common issues from mold are respiratory issues (wheezing, coughing, asthma, etc) and will generally clear up once you are no longer being exposed (time to recover varies greatly). definitely get checked up when you can and have the focus on your lungs, nails (finger/toes), and heart. here is what the CDC says about mold (yes their info is very reliable, = to mayo clinic and NIH and WHO) https://www.cdc.gov/mold/faqs.htm