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Please don't be a stranger. I would love to know what you guys expect from my patreon. The better i know what service i could offer you guys, the better. Cheers!



What I often notice that people like to see on patreon is "things nobody else has seen ". For example you posted your beautiful "price of a soul" here, but also on facebook. Making it not exclusive for patreon. They don't have to be fully finished masterpieces. "Never seen before sketches" are just as effective, and makes the patreon supporter feel "special. Not everything has to be exclusive, you can also post it on patreon first, and on the other platforms a few days later. You can add pieces that you are proud of and still show the world, but put some exclusivity in there. sketchdumps, making ofs, designs that did and didn't make it, etc. You asked what people would love to see. People love to see you enjoy what you do. So draw what makes you happy, or gives you fulfillment. That joy will come through. Or maybe start a project or story you otherwise would not dare to work on since it would be unpaid. Maybe a Philtomato pinup series? Or your version of classic characters? Maybe lil movie or a picture of your desk to see where you work and your thoughts behind it? It's like being able to look behind the scenes with a Disney artist. What would you love to see yourself? ;)


This is extremely helpful. I will definitely do this. Again, you're a lifesaver Els.


Yay! =^^= Thank you! I'm really glad it helps.