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As you've presumably noticed, I've taken January off for the most part. Half of this was the usual 'gearing up' break between stories, but the other part of it comes from me developing carpal tunnel syndrome. I was kind of a dummy about it and took weeks to catch on (as in "Boy, my fingers are really bugging me today. I must have slept on my arm wrong."). I've been wearing a wrist brace for close to two weeks now, which has taken care of about 90 percent of the pain/numbness/tingling issues I had, but that last 10 percent is a bit more persistent. I can work, but at a bit slower pace. Inking seems to be the biggest irritant, probably using the most fine motor control. If that last 10 percent doesn't improve in the next few weeks, I'll need to employ more aggressive medical treatment. I hope it won't require surgery, as that would offline me longer, but I'm not sure what else there is that I'm not already doing at the moment.

Anyway, for now I'm working on the next comic story for February patron debut, tentatively titled "Adventures in Horde-sitting".

Thanks, and wish me luck,

Eric Schwartz



Thank you for taking care of yourself Eric. Your health is much more important than continuing to entertain us. Please continue taking care of yourself!


Look after yourself. Your health is too important.

Zorin the Lynx

Take care of yourself first, Eric. Sexy doodles can wait. :) Age is catching up with all of us lately it seems.


You take all the time you need! Gotta take care of those money makers, ya know! c:

Blue Catwolf

I rather wish you health, pure luck just don't draws such nice furry girls on paper.

Daniel Mountain

Alternate title: Big Sister's Revenge.


May this go as fast as it came. Take care of yourself.

Heather McKnight

I wish you a speedy recovery and take all the time you need your own health should be a priority. I can't wait to read the new story but in the meantime you've written so many wonderful stories that I've got plenty to read until you recover completely. Thanks and good luck Mr Schwartz.


Much love! ❤️


I know exactly what you mean. Burn out, physical trauma on one's drawing arm. It is extremely unpleasant. And yet! You have this need and desire to create. Take some time to rest. Your fans, myself included, will still be here.