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On this day in 1996, the first Sabrina Online comic strips appeared on the web, though I'm not sure if anyone actually saw it on that day. Things have changed quite a bit since, (I was 24 then) but maybe not THAT much. It's still running, in its own way, both here and on www.sabrina-online.com .




Happy anniversary Thank you for the smiles and laughs and may there be many more to come


Congrats man on an awesome 25 years! I’ve had the pleasure of following the comic since 2019 and I fell in love with the characters and the story. Keep up the awesome work 👍


Haha that was year I was born :3 well November, found this comic few years back just before the main run ended have been enjoying it ever since I’m glad I didn’t have to wait for the updates but I would have loved to have, well I suppose I’ll have to settle for waiting on updates to the new Sabrina Online comics which I love just as much :3 hope keep going for years to come.


Congratulations. Furry hall of fame career right here

Trystan MadWolf

I absolutely love this comic strip and how its continued to grow! If only the youtube channel that dubbed it still made videos


I'm proud to have followed you for 22 of those years. thanks for all the great work and happy anniversary

Dave Barrack

Wow, I did not realize we were the same age. I almost can't remember a time when I didn't know of Sabrina (Online). I mean, after we got over that whole BBS thing. I still have that Amiga and the 1200 baud modem in the closet somewhere. Sabrina Online is one of the comics that inspired me to do my own! So thank you for that and thank you for 25 years of entertainment. Here's to 25 more!


Long may she continue to entertain!



Fergus Wyrm

Happy anniversary. ^^ I'm glad you've been around doing this for so long.

Tazer Silverscar

Ah, I remember reading this in school (we had really lax admins, lol), and thinking 'What's an Amiga?' Commodore was more well known here for games systems here in the UK, I think. Loved the comics all the same, even if I didn't know everything that was talked about 😁

jay maechtlen

cool stuff, happy anniversary! Lessee - mid-80's I either still had my C128 or I may have gotten my 286-12 with amber monitor. Compuserve, 1200 baud modem - well, I eventually got faster external modems, then internal. Multiple blasts from the past!


One of the first webcomics, and furry comics I read when I got my first PC in 2003. Still one of the best.

D. Stuart

And long may she roll! Always been a fave, and one of the first webcomics I followed, as well as the dead tree editions...:) (Tho my first modem was a 300 baud acoustic on either an Atari 800, or a TRS-80. Good old (expensive) CompuServe! My first BBS ran with a TRS-80 and a 300 baud Hayes. 1980-2001, with a few hardware changes over the decades. (8" floppies, then 5MB hard disk, then Atari ST with 3 lines, then PC clone.. Unplugged in 2001, finally. (The MotherBoard(ST or PC initials added as the hardware changed. Good old Fidonet, too...) Those were the days.... Stu


Sabrina Online was one of the first (probably the actual 1st) furry comic for me back when I first discovered this fandom and I’m immensely glad that it’s still around (and that you’re still drawing) even to this day. For that, I say, thank you so much and here’s to another 25 years!


And I later found a print of year one of Sabrina online at an anime convention. Which made me discover the furry fandom ^^


One of the oldest, longest-running webcomics online, along with Kevin & Kell and Freefall (both of which I read every day, or every Monday-Wednesday-Friday). Congrats on still going strong!


Wow, I miss the Amiga times. Computers were fun not threat :-) Great Sabrina is with us. I would miss her even more!

monstersquishy .

1996 was the year my house hold first got the internet


Grats - May there be many many more like this :)


I'm relatively new to the party, and have "only" been following Sabrina since the 00s! It's been crazy seeing things progress over the years. And since everyone's sharing their computer firsts, I grew up learning to use my Commodore 64 when I was just a kid.


Hey there :) Props for sticking with it for so long. I randomly discovered Sabrina about two years ago, while googling for some Amiga comics/pictures, and I very much enjoyed the Amiga-related gems here and there, over the ages :)

Wild Card

I did not catch this strip on the day of release, I found it around its first anniversary. What a long, strange, enjoyable journey it has been, and I am glad that it continues to this day.

Blue Catwolf

Happy silver-anniversary to you and Sabrina... ;-)


Remember 200 baud modems and 8" floppy discs?


I remember when 56 Kbps was a lightning fast modem, actually useful for browsing the fledgling internet instead of just email's and BBS's.


I cannot properly thank you enough for all the laughs and comic good-times this comic has given me as I've been following your comic since my first few days of high school, much less for daring to allow the characters to grow and progress.


What He said :)

Heather McKnight

I still can't believe it's been 25 years. Thank you again for creating this wonderful series.