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Given the choice, do you go for the thin tech-head raccoon, or the curvy, promiscuous hybrid skunk?




RC is for Sabrina, and Sabrina only. It's good that Sabrina knows that.


I think a lot of fans would love that Threesome to become reality.

Glenn Sellers

"Given the choice, do you go for the thin tech-head raccoon, or the curvy, promiscuous hybrid skunk?" Well, in my case, being a straight guy, I'd have to say the curvy, promiscuous hybrid skunk.


The longer this heart-to-heart goes on, the more I get the distinct feeling that either the strip's going to end, or ZigZag is leaving.


Yeah... I have to agree with that logic. Although if it were a choice between Zig and Sabrina... then the nerdy, slightly plump cute skunk girl.


and baby tucked out. lol


Ahh, the memories


Zig Zag will ever remain the optimist eternal. And yes, Danielle has had a long day.


Poor Zig will need some TLC to help her ego after after Sab shoots her down again. I volunteer to help <3


With as many times as sab has shot her down, you'd think zig would be bullet proof by now...

Glenn Sellers

Eric, did you intend to give us a bit of a view of Sabrina's bralessness? In the first panel, her top looks a WEE bit short and we can see the bottom part of her breast, although in the last panel, her top is plenty long enough to cover her assets.


That is her ARM under there - she has her arms crossed under her breasts. Her shirt goes down to her waist; look at her back in that panel.

Glenn Sellers

That's what I get for looking at a drawing when I'm half asleep. LOL. I knew there was a reason I didn't notice what I thought I'd noticed the first time I looked at this page.


Others would die for such a offer.

monstersquishy .

And we have lost Danielle. And she is going to wake up with suck a crick in her neck

monstersquishy .

I think zig might just be looking for closure on some of the things she has done in the past. And she is getting ready to star a new chapter in her life what ever that may be.

Paulie Lombardo

I'm considering picking up the fan novel I attempted to write about Zig's father again. I'm not sure though. Does anyone have suggestions on how to increase my motivation to write and how to write with more of a flow?


You could be inspired by putting yourself in the same situation as your protagonist........ On second thoughts, maybe that's not such a good idea.

Paulie Lombardo

Well, yeah. My take is that he was abused by his own mother after his father was killed in action at Okinawa in 1945. As well as that he became a widower, which lead to his alcoholism and influenced his abuse towards Zig. But the novel is about him making amends by treking over 2,000 miles on a bike in hopes to reunite with his grown children.