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We start the process of coalescing the cast.




defused that conversation but keep SOME evidence of something else. lol


Every time you post a comic that makes me laugh it just makes my day.

Lord Chaos

I'll take the bottle.

Glenn Sellers

Further proof that inside Zig Zag's rough and tough exterior, there beats a heart of gold.

Viro Veteruscy

Love the dialog, also Zig Zag could sell that bottle X3

Wild Card

Knowing some of ZigZag's backstory (assuming it is canon here), her actions with Tabitha made perfect sense. And hopefully Sabrina realizes now that there is more to ZigZag than she has been letting herself see before now.

Wendell Hong

Now that's at least 2 x-rated things that happened just off panel.


Zig is always practical. It's still drinkable. It's not like she's sharing it.

Savage Shark

You know how expensive theme park drinks are, you don't just THROW OUT a still full bottle.

Paulie Lombardo

Honestly. She could also make some extra cash by selling some of her old underwear on Ebay.


That's dumb. Who'd spend money for a dirty used bottle of water? You have to be pretty disgusting if that's worth money.

Viro Veteruscy

There are vending machines that sell used panties, you'd be surprised what people are willing to buy...


Get rid of it? There's a few good swigs left


Leave Zig Zag alone, Sabrina. Besides throwing away an nonempty bottle is wasteful.