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According to current health guidelines, that shop is entirely too crowded - so is that shrubbery.



Zorin the Lynx

Oh wow, snubbed by PEPE LE PEW, that hurts.


A good example of the people who claim to be so "against hate" being the most hateful people (the mob). They think it's fine as long as they're the ones doing it


Oof... poor Sheila. Better run vixen. Don’t want a repeat of when Darke cut Zigzags hair.


Yes, how dare he #metoo! On the other hand, she's about to at least have the smell right... Hope there hasn't been a run on hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, and sodium bicarbonate.

Glenn Sellers

I'd almost forgotten about Stacy and Tracey and the security guards. I still love Sheila's innocent ditziness. That's why I just HAD to include her in my current story. I hope my treatment of her is acceptable to anyone who reads that chapter of the story.

Alx Porrini

Run, find the car, and drive back home. But I’m guessing if the want to shave here they need a razor which an amusement park doesn’t sell due to safety reasons. They’ll probably rip her clothes and make walk naked. Since this Sabrina Online, Sheila will probably use her tail as cover until she goes to a shop that sells shirts and pants or just head to car and leave.


Poor Sheila, lynched by the PC crowd because they're too fast to go to lynch mode rather than calmly explaining to her WHY its wrong... And finding out the ditzy vixens reasons and why its actually Zig Zags fault :P Cue Zig Zag walking in and getting accused of skunkface because of her stripes despite actually BEING a skunk :P

Viro Veteruscy

Sheila! Not like this! I hope she gets out of this ok. Hopefully Zig Zag vouches for her, though given Zig Zag's appearance she might have to scrap a bit herself ;w;


I could see this going a couple of different ways.


By my count there's three girls and two guys in the bush having all kinds of fun that I hope we get to see one day in a separate comic.


Poor Shelia, such a sweet vixen. Let's just hope she still has fur, for the sake of her work.

Glenn Sellers

However, knowing Zig's past, she'd probably make all of them wish they were somewhere else, especially since she's got tiger claws.

Glenn Sellers

Three? All I can remember is Stacy and Tracey. Of course, I have a severe case of CRS.

Glenn Sellers

I just thought of something. I'm surprised nobody here recognized Sheila. These guys must be more puritanical than anybody from the deep South.


well...quite a way to show the kids....

monstersquishy .

So just for fun i loaded up an old computer running windows 95 and sabrina online still loads up in Internet Explorer 3 and Netscape Navigator 4 :) It loads up very well.


Let's all hope that Shelia doesn't wind up having the same issue Sabrina's mugger had.


Oh yeah, this mob would absolutely condemn Zig Zag for not being a "real" skunk. They'd accuse her of dying and trimming her fur to "badly imitate" one. The worst part is that at this point, any attempt to stop, slow or even reason with them would be treated as more "evidence of wrongness". They're out for blood, and nothing less will satisfy them.


She's wearing clothes, so nobody is thinking about that.


I know they're in a bush, but how does someone not notice that?


Nice cameo.

Glenn Sellers

Ah. I forgot about that. If she was nekkid, everyone would know her. Got it. Thanks.

Glenn Sellers

I hate to say this but, in the fifth panel, the dog wearing the cap reminds me of Tor.


Poor Sheila. I hope you got plenty of canned tomatoes handy. My word girls you're having fun


I wonder how she's going to get out of this situation... 😬


She was stuck of place why not go run away