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Looks like pretty decent pizza to me. 




That Pizza ain't gonna last forever Warren. Might as well answer now lol.


This might be a bad time to ask this, but where does their meat come from?


lol, good save old dude...


I think it's best if I don't question the details of that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soylent_Green However, actually exploring those details in the world of Sabrina Online would be fascinating, albeit detrimental to the central story of Sabrina's life you want to tell. Maybe you could do worldbuilding with written word as opposed to illustrated comics.


Guys day in is as interesting as the girls day out.

monstersquishy .

How do you think Endora will take it if Tabitha hooks up with Timmy

Glenn Sellers

Well, as we've seen in the flash forward late in the original "Sabrina-Online", she's definitely got the hots for him but, Endora has vehemently declared that she isn't a speciesist.


yeah...all it misses would be Sabrina called Samantha... -nose wiggle-


Yeah I'm still questioning that. Endora's parents were anti-mixed species relationships yet for some reason hated Warren who was the same species as her. I wonder if they still hold that really stupid belief or are in speaking terms.


Well, Endora's parents probably wanted her to marry someone who would look after her completely. Most likely a rich business man, doctor or the like. They most likely saw him as a poor suitor and held him in slow regard. So, that most likely encouraged him to become the husband he became to win her heart. In the end, he won them over and they have a wonderful, if not a little strict, family life,